
Tasmanian Producers Continue to Utilize AuctionsPlus for National Audience

Written by Damien Thomson | Jul 28, 2022 1:54:37 AM

The volume of Tasmanian livestock offered through AuctionsPlus during the past year has increased significantly, as vendors continue to see the benefits of the wider audience bought by the national platform. Total commercial cattle offered increased by 35% in 2021-22 (FY22), to 24,403 head, with sales increasing by 29%, to 21,166 head – achieving a clearance rate of 87%. Commercial sheep in Tasmania experienced similar growth during the year, with total offerings increasing 32% to 84,071 head and sales increasing 15% to 59,495 head.

The Bass Strait was no barrier to livestock movements in FY22, with 30%, or 6,342 head of cattle sold interstate, while 19%, or 11,167 head of sheep and lambs were also sold interstate. Interstate livestock trade worked both ways, with 357 head of cattle and 6,817 head of sheep and lambs purchased from the mainland.

Young steers made up 45% of commercial cattle offered in Tasmania – totalling 11,051 head in FY22. The single largest stock category in Tasmania for FY22 was heavy steers (400kg+), with 2,621 head offered, selling to a 95% clearance rate and averaging $2,368/head (Figure 1). Average steer and heifer prices in Tasmania have followed the same trend as the mainland in FY22, with steers demanding a premium, but heifer prices narrowing the value gap, given the sustained rebuilding focus.

Stud sales have also experienced solid growth, with 29 sales in FY22, up from 24 in FY21 and 8 in FY20 (Figure 2). Producers and agents have flocked to Australia’s largest online platform for livestock sales in pursuit of greater awareness and access to buyers, particularly from the mainland.