AuctionsPlus commercial goat sales in February have continued in a similar fashion to January. Listings totalled 2,014 head – up 29% from January although 27% below December listings.
Prices were stable on last month with Boer does averaging $71/head – up $2 on last month for a 67% clearance rate. Listings were significantly higher than last month, with 808 head offered in February.
Rangeland/Boer does registered 710 head and averaged $40/head or 132c/kg lwt for a 42% clearance rate.
Rangeland does struggled to secure a sale with an 11% clearance rate across the 345 head offered. Prices averaged $50/head, or 145c/kg lwt. Boer cross does cleared all 23 head offered, averaging 134/head.
Table 1: Goat price summary, February 2023.
Post auction negotiations played an even more prevalent role in February, as agents and bidders utilise the 48 hours after a sale to reach a middle ground. Of the goats sold online during February, 32% were purchased at auction – down from 38% in January. Post auction negotiations accounted for 67% of sales – up from 60%, while the “Meet Reserve” feature accounted for 1%.