The weather remains the key determining factor in the supply of cattle to the market. With widespread rain and extensive flooding constraining movements, the number of head offered in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales this week declined 23%, to 13,510 head. Most categories reached higher prices this week, with the average value over reserve increasing 5% to $203, while clearance rate rose to 76%.
Competition for quality lines was strong this week, with average prices for steers and heifers generally higher, while breeding females experienced relatively mixed results. With the near-term forecast for more heavy rain, the anticipated surge of market ready cattle will be steadily growing with each week of disruption and flooding.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Weekly Cattle Prices
The steer categories were mostly stronger this week, with lower listings of the lightest two categories, while listings of the heavier three categories increased. A smaller offering of 268 head of light steers helped prices rise $48, to average $1,153/head this week – reaching a 79% clearance. A similar story in the 200-280kg category, with 1,061 head averaging $1,760/head – up $160 on last week and 95% clearance. From Prairie, North Queensland, a line of 115 Droughtmaster steers aged 8-10 months old and averaging 228kg lwt returned $1,450/head or 637c/kg lwt.
The 280-330kg steer category consisted of 1,825 head, selling to an 89% clearance, and averaging $2,074/head – up $239 on last week. From Longreach, Western Queensland, a line of 102 Brangus steers aged 5-10 months old and averaging 309kg lwt returned $1,980/head - $180 over the reserve price. Similarly, an increased offering of 330-400kg steers averaged $2,213/head across the 1,734 head – up $44 on last week and reaching an 87% clearance. From Meningie, SA, a line of 26 Angus steers aged 11-12 months old and averaging 352kg lwt returned $2,200/head, or 625c/kg lwt.
Heavy steers bucked the trend, with prices falling $77 across the 1,246 head, to average $2,298/head. Although the average price per kilogram only slipped 1c, suggesting that lower liveweights were the contributing factor. From Cootamundra, NSW, a line of 29 Hereford steers aged 12-17 months old and averaging 441kg lwt returned $2,500/head - $400 over the reserve price.
Price changes across the heifer categories were a carbon copy of the steers, while listings were down for each category. A limited offering of light heifers averaged $1,580/head and reached 100% clearance. Listings of 200-280kg heifers fell 27%, to 1,322 head, with prices rising by $99 to average $1,550/head for a 59% clearance. From Pentland, North Queensland, a line of 113 Simmental/Simmental cross heifers aged 12-14 months old and averaging 242kg lwt returned $1,300/head, or 537c/kg lwt.
Listings of 280-330kg heifers lowered to 910 head, while prices averaged $2,050/head – up $169 on last week for a 71% clearance. From Roma, Southern Queensland, a line of 32 Angus heifers aged 10-12 months old and averaging 299kg lwt returned the top price of $2,740/head - $440 over the reserve price.
The 330-400kg heifers experienced highly selective buying, with clearance falling to 52% while prices kicked $153 higher, to average $2,392/head - with the top price achieved at $3,670/head for F1 Wagyu/Angus heifers. From Charleroi, Victoria, a line of 39 Angus heifers aged 12-14 months old and averaging 535kg lwt returned $2,390/head, or 678c/kg lwt.
Heavy heifers also bucked the trend, with the 457 head averaging $2,382/head – down $77 from last week for a 100% clearance. From South Forest, Tasmania, a line of 32 Hereford heifers aged 20-22 months old and averaging 436kg lwt returned $2,420/head - $220 over the reserve price.
Breeding females were met with strong competition, despite mixed results relative to the steer and heifer categories. Listings of PTIC heifers fell to 1,265 head, with prices increasing $64 to average $2,861/head - clearance rates also increased to 55%. From Armidale, NSW, a line of 52 Angus PTIC heifers aged 20-24 months old and averaging 490kg lwt returned $2,910/head - $210 over the reserve price.
A slightly higher offering of 634 PTIC cows sold into a steady market, with average prices falling $229, to $2,738/head. Clearance rate increased to 61%, while the average price in c/kg increased 84c, to 626c/kg. From St George, Southern Queensland, a line of 42 Charbray PTIC cows aged 2-3 years old and averaging 436kg lwt returned $2,480/head, travelling to a buyer in Forbes, NSW.
From Dubbo, NSW, a line of 31 Shorthorn cows with 31 calves sired by Angus bulls at foot returned $4,200/head. The NSM cows were aged 5-5.5 years old and averaged 657kg lwt while the calves were 2-9 weeks old and averaged 115kg lwt.
NOTE: Prices as at 2pm, Friday 14th October 2022