A total of 13,822 head were offered in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales this week – up 15% on last week although 20% below the corresponding week last year. Weaker demand in a softening cattle market was reflected in lower clearance rates and value over reserve, with red ink taking over the price tables this week.
Steer listings drove the increase in numbers this week with a 40% rise, led by heavier weight steer categories, while heifers and breeding stock numbers were steady week-on-week. Clearance rates are expected to lift over the next 48 hours as agents and buyers find a middle ground through post-sale negotiations.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Steers weighing 200-280kg averaged $1,272/head this week across 572 head – down $56 and returning a clearance rate of 73%. From Richmond, North Queensland, a line of 102 Brahman steers aged 9-12 months old and averaging 278kg lwt returned $1,220/head, or 438c/kg lwt.
Listings of 280-330kg steers increased 22% to 906 head this week and averaged $1,423/head – down $59 from last week and reaching 73% clearance rate. From Lake Mundi, Southwest Victoria, a line of 30 Angus steers aged 10-12 months old and averaging 291kg lwt returned $1,420/head – selling $100 over the reserve price.
330-400kg steer listings increased 87% this week to 1,792 head and averaged $1,569/head for a 40% clearance rate. From Wandoan, Southern Queensland, a line of 120 Droughtmaster steers aged 12-16 months old and averaging 371kg lwt returned $1,540/head, or 415c/kg.
Heavy steer listings increased 55% to 1,510 head and averaged $1,788/head – down $75 from last week for a 47% clearance rate. From Wagga Wagga, NSW, a line of 61 Angus steers aged 9-11 months old and averaging 402kg lwt returned $1,740/head, or 433c/kg lwt.
Young heifers were met with a softer market week-on-week with prices easing across the board. Heifers weighing 200-280kg averaged $1,124/head across the 666 head offered – down $81 from last week for a 55% clearance rate. From Tarago, NSW, a line of 18 Angus heifers aged 6-8 months old and averaging 276kg lwt returned $1,300/head - $100 over the reserve price.
Listings of 280-330kg heifers were back 29% this week at 422 head and averaged $1,219/head – down $53 and achieving a 64% clearance rate. From Guluguba, Southern Queensland, a line of 43 Hereford heifers aged 11-14 months old and averaging 295kg lwt returned $1,015, or 345c/kg lwt.
330-400kg heifer listings increased 31% to 1,407 head this week and averaged $1,377/head – down $99. From Walgett, NSW, a line of 85 Angus heifers aged 9-11 months old and averaging 346kg lwt returned $1,460/head, or 422c/kg lwt.
Heavy heifers averaged $1,583/head this week across the 763 head listed – selling to a 43% clearance rate and the average price falling $127. From Tambo, Western Queensland, a line of 75 Santa Gertrudis heifers aged 16-24 months old and averaging 428kg lwt returned $1,498/head, or 350c/kg lwt.
Weaker restocking demand was reflected in subdued clearance rates across the breeding stock categories this week, while some quality lines of PTIC cows helped support prices for the category. The 834 head increased by $142 to average $2,290/head, reaching a clearance rate of 53%. From Cunnamulla, Western Queensland, a line of 79 Santa Gertrudis PTIC cows aged three years old and averaging 436kg lwt returned $1,760/head.
PTIC heifers continued to lead listings with 2,351 head on offer averaging $2,142/head – down $151 on last week. From Cootamundra, NSW, a line of 43 Angus PTIC heifers aged 18-19 months old and averaging 448kg lwt returned $2,540/head - $240 over the reserve price.
From Rosewood, NSW, a line of 38 Angus/Angus cross cows station mated to Angus bulls and with 38 calves at foot returned $3,100/head. The cows were 2.5 years old and averaged 424kg lwt. The calves sired by Angus bulls were 5-6 months old and averaged 180kg lwt.
Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 17th February 2022
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices