Market Comments

Weekly Cattle Comments - Week ending Friday 20th October

Written by AuctionsPlus | Oct 20, 2023 6:49:26 AM

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 8,630 head, increasing by 14%. The larger offering was met with reduced competition as clearance fell to 51% and value over reserve fell by $52 to average $88.

The increased offering was met with subdued demand as clearance dropped by 6 percentage points to 51% and the 280-330kg steer category decreased by 18% to average $637/head. The overall market trended lower this week, with nine categories falling and three categories gaining on last week, with the gains received being marginal and varied throughout, with two heifer categories and one steer category posting gains. Breeding stock registered a 20% rise in offerings but posted falls across the board, however, clearance rates were more consistent than the steer and heifer lines.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard


Steers 280-330kg registered a smaller offering of 1,109 head and averaged $637/head - down $137 from last week for a 30% clearance. Prices ranged from 170-279c and averaged 206c/kg lwt. From Nevertire, NSW a line of 85 Poll Hereford steers aged 14 to 15 months old and weighing 312kg returned $530/head, or 170c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Inverell, NSW.

Steers 330-400kg cleared a similarly low 30%, even with a smaller offering on last week at 1,224 head. The average price of $825/head was down $14 from the previous week. Prices ranged from 193-263c and averaged 221c/kg lwt. From Wellington, NSW a line of 60 Angus steers aged 15 to 16 months old and weighing 389kg returned $870/head, or 224c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Gundagai, NSW.


Heifers 280-330kg registered a larger offering of 920 head and averaged $564/head - down $12 from last week for a 36% clearance. Prices ranged from 158-232c and averaged 184c/kg lwt. From Walcha, NSW a line of 130 Angus heifers, split between two even lots aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 301kg returned $490/head, or 163c/kg lwt and $500/head, or 166c/kg lwt and will travel to separate buyers in Walla Walla, NSW and Tottenham, NSW.

Heifers 330-400kg registered a larger offering of 852 head and averaged $752/head - up $30 from last week for a 55% clearance. Prices ranged from 166-239c and averaged 203c/kg lwt. From Uranquinty, NSW a line of 32 Angus heifers aged 12 to 14 months old and weighing 371kg returned $720/head, or 194c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Wodonga, VIC.

Breeding Stock

PTIC heifers registered a larger offering of 211 head and averaged $1,073/head - down $57 from last week for a 93% clearance. From Hay, NSW a line of 177 Angus heifers split between three even lots, aged 14 to 16 months old and weighing 439kg, each returned $1,100/head and will travel to the same buyer in Lavington, NSW.

Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 20th October 2023

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Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices

Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices

Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices

AuctionsPlus Interactive Cattle Market Report