Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales were level this week at 13,712 head. Value over reserve bounced back to $80, partly due to an increase in the number of PTIC heifers selling, while clearance rate fell sharply to 39%. Week-on-week price changes were mixed for most categories, while heavier steers and heifers as well as PTIC heifers continued to slide.
Decent rainfall across Queensland last week and NSW this week was not enough to inspire a rebound in demand. Producers will be carefully watching and waiting for a substantial Autumn break in the coming weeks. Light steers were the strongest categories this week, giving some indication that producers are looking for low risk and high weight gain potential.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Listings of steers weighing 280-330kg increased to 1,837 head and averaged $1,268/head – down $28 from last week for a 42% clearance rate. From Chinchilla, Southern Queensland, a line of 44 Angus steers aged 12-16 months old and weighing 294kg lwt returned $1,240/head, or 422c/kg lwt.
Listings of heifers weighing 330-400kg lifted to 1,284 head. The 57% increase in listings pushed prices lower, averaging $1,212/head – down $155 from last week for a 47% clearance rate. From Woodhouse, Victoria, a line of 41 Hereford heifers aged 14-16 months old and weighing 364kg lwt returned $1,120/head, or 308c/kg lwt.
Breeding lines experienced picky buying behavior, leading to low clearance rates. PTIC heifer listings increased to 2,193 head and averaged $1,886/head – down $219 from last week for a 18% clearance rate. From Gundagai, NSW, a line of 43 Angus heifers PTIC to Angus bulls, aged 18-19 months and weighing 444kg lwt returned $2,030/head, $180 over the reserve price.
PTIC cow listings fell to 728 head and averaged $2,052/head – up $209 on last week for a 29% clearance rate. From Warren, NSW, a line of 43 Shorthorn cows PTIC to Angus bulls, aged three years old and weighing 475kg lwt returned $1,900/head.
Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 24th March 2023.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices