Market Comments

Weekly Sheep & Lamb Comments - 17.12.21

Written by AuctionsPlus | Dec 17, 2021 12:31:56 AM

The final AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb sales for 2021 registered a 22% jump in weekly listings, as a pre-Christmas flush had 151,122 head offered. Compared to the final week of 2020, listings were 5% higher - the result of widespread rainfall and wet paddocks causing a delay of lamb offerings for many producers in previous weeks.

Southwest Victoria listed 45,018 head this week, accounting for 30% of the total catalogue, while the NSW Central West and Western NSW regions listed 12,872 and 11,788 head, respectively. Following a colder and wetter than normal spring across southern areas of NSW and Victoria, it has taken longer than usual to add weight to lambs. With the traditional “spring flush” much later in 2021, the sustained large lamb offerings are likely to continue into the first few trading weeks of 2022.

The largest December offering of new season lambs hit the market this week, with a total of 103,893 head catalogued across the six categories. While overall demand remained robust, prices across all categories declined for the first time in several months.

Crossbred lambs accounted for 28% of the offering, with 41,593 head offered. The category returned an 85% clearance rate with prices averaging $154/head - down $5 from last week.

Merino wether lambs had a total of 26,697 head listed this week – up 65% from last week. Despite an increased volume in the category this week, clearance rates increased to 92%, while prices remained robust to average $135/head - $1 cheaper from last week.

Ewe lamb categories recorded significant price declines this week, with first cross ewes back $63, to average $214/head, while Merino ewes declined $58, to average $176/head. Demand for ewe lambs in both categories increased however, with a larger offering of first cross ewes returning a 70% clearance and Merino ewes recording the highest clearance rate across all lamb categories at 94%.

Composite/other breed lambs recorded the largest rise in numbers offered this week - with a total of 25,125 head listed online – up 129% from last week. Prices for the category stretched between $100-$247, to average $161/head - back $7 on last week, with clearance rates rising to 76%.

Joined ewes continued to remain scarce in the final week of 2021. Station mated Merino ewes had an increased offering this week, with 3,098 head listed online. Prices for the category ranged from $231-282, to average $259/head - up $49 from last week with a 75% clearance rate recorded.

Non-Station mated ewes and hoggets had similar numbers listed online this week. NSM Merino ewes had a total of 14,011 head offered, making up 9% of the catalogue. For the second consecutive week the category registered lower prices, back $29 this week, to average $186/head – with the clearance rate also dropping from 95% last week to 69%.

Merino ewe hoggets accounted for 5% of the offering this week, with prices for the category ranging between $166 to $320, to average $242/head - back $32 on last week.

NOTE: Prices as at 5pm, Thursday 16th December, 2021