Market Comments

Weekly Sheep & Lamb Comments - Week ending Friday 5th July

Written by Natasha Lobban | Jul 5, 2024 4:48:00 AM

AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell by 15% this week, totaling 30,045 head and clearance rates lifted 9 percentage points to 81%.

Value Over Reserve averaged $16/head over set reserves, a $6/head lift on last week.

Lamb prices fell after a strong run, with the crossbred lamb indicator decreasing by 9% to average $120/head, and the AuctionsPlus Restocker Lamb Indicator decreasing by 152c to average 510c/kg dressed weight.

Joined ewes made up most of the offering with 14,292 head, or 48% of the total. Lamb articles made up the second largest pool at 10,914 head, or 36% of the offering. 

Listings and purchasers were predominately from NSW, even though the state offered more than 4000 less articles than the previous week.

Processer/feedlot activity dropped back this week to less than half a percent - a large fall from 5.17% last week.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Sheep and Lamb Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard

Crossbred Lambs registered a smaller offering of 3,555 head, and prices decreased on last week to average $120/head - down $12 for a 94% clearance. From Coleraine, Victoria, a line of 400 Poll Dorset/Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex Jul/Aug '23 drop crossbred lambs weighing 37kg lwt, returned $150/head, or 404c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Jamestown, SA.

Merino wether lambs registered a 96% increase in numbers this week, with the 5,863 head, up from 2,993 head last week, also achieving a 97% clearance and a $3/head discount. From Thallon, Queensland, a line of 239 Merino wethers, Aug/Sep '23 drop and weighing 42kg lwt, returned $97/head, or 231c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Condamine, Queensland.

SIL Merino ewes registered a larger offering of 7,049 head, which is 3% higher than last week. The category had a 74% clearance rate and prices fell by $4 to average $110/head. 

SIL first cross ewe numbers were back 6% on last week, with the 3,016 head returning a 60% clearance and falling in price by $1, to average $158/head. 

Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, July 4, 2024.