The Box

LISTEN: Lens of Rosie

Written by Humans of Agriculture | Jul 28, 2021 5:02:08 AM

Heidi Morris is a true advocate for the agriculture industry, at first, her name might not spring to mind but if we say Lens.Of.Rosie then maybe that will ring a few bells. Heidi has worked in the grains, cotton and beef industries in Australia as well as a stint in Canada.

Her photos and the drive behind them to share more of the agriculture sector have captivated audiences. As Heidi talks about, sometimes it’s not all daisies and sunshine but her passion for sharing stories hasn’t faltered.

Listen to the podcast below

During this episode we spoke about the trials and tribulations of life on social media, documenting the aspects of agriculture that many Australians aren’t used to seeing and the cultural history of this country that we should all be paying closer attention to.

To check out more of Heidi's photos and to follow her travels follow @Lens.of.Rosie on Instagram