Market Comments

Weekly Cattle Market Report

Written by Newsroom | Mar 7, 2025 5:06:33 AM

The AuctionsPlus cattle market offering lifted 3% to 11,804 head, but clearance dropped to 63%, reflecting softer buyer sentiment. Cyclone Alfred likely played a key role in unsettling key buying regions. However, strong steer competition lifted the average weekly value over reserve by $89 to $139.


Week ending Friday, March 7, 2025

The AuctionsPlus cattle market offering lifted 3% to 11,804 head, but clearance dropped to 63%, reflecting softer buyer sentiment.

The southeast Queensland and northeast NSW coast bracing for Cyclone Alfred likely played a key role in unsettling key buying regions. However, strong steer competition lifted the average weekly value over reserve by $89 to $139.

Price movements were mixed across categories. Among steers, all weight ranges achieved over 73% clearance. The 280-330kg category performed well, registering a larger offering of 2,543 head and averaged $1,263/head up $46 from last week for a 81% clearance, with prices ranging from 320 to 447c and averaged 405c/kg lwt. Lighter steers under 200kg lifted $95 to average $898, with prices ranging from 300 to 496c and averaged 489c/kg lwt.

Meanwhile, heavier steers 400kg + registered a larger offering and averaged $1,696/head, up $9 from last week for a 97% clearance. Prices ranged from 324 - 410c and averaged 375c/kg lwt.

For heifers, there was greater interest in those weighing more than 280kg. Heifers over 400kg averaged $1,486/head, up $7 from last week for a 85% clearance. Prices ranged from 325 - 362c and averaged 346c/kg lwt. Meanwhile, those in the 280-330kg bracket registered a smaller offering of 729 head and averaged $1,045/head, lifting $3 from last week for a 73% clearance. Prices ranged from 266 - 373c and averaged 334c/kg lwt.

In the breeding stock, the standout performers were PTIC cows, registering a larger offering of 957 head for an average of $2,199/head, lifting $600 from last week for an 81% clearance rate.

Listings in all states were up this week, except for NSW and Tasmania. Meanwhile, purchasing behaviour has decreased into Queensland, a reduction of 1,815 head from last week. NSW remains the greatest listing and purchasing state. 

Processors accounted for 11.6% of purchasing activity this week.


From Portland, Victoria, a line of 54 Angus/Friesian heifers aged 18 to 20 months old and weighing 476kg returned $1550/head, or 325c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Buninyong, Victoria.

From Heywood, Victoria, a line of 50 Angus steers aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 466kg, returned $1860/head, or 399c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Murray Bridge, South Australia.

From Barraba, Queensland, a line of 28 Charolais/Shorthorn cows aged four to six years old and weighing 685kg returned $2600/head, or 380c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Warwick, Queensland.

Weekly Market Price Tables

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Editor's note: You may have noticed we've made some changes to our weekly cattle market report. Never before have APlus News readers had access to so much data - covering not only this week's sale, but four weeks worth of information, all in one interactive table.

Week ending Friday, February 28, 2025

The AuctionsPlus commercial cattle market experienced increased listings and steady demand this week, with 11,503 head offered, up 12% from last week. Clearance rates experienced a slight drop to 58%, while value over reserve lifted by $2 to average $76.

Buyers showed a clear preference for heavier steers this week, with prices holding firm or increasing, while lighter cattle, particularly heifers and young steers, experienced some downward pressure. Breeding stock results were mixed, with PTIC cows struggling while cows and calves saw improved demand. 

In the breakdown, heavier steers saw stronger demand, with 330-400kg steers increasing by $14 to average $1,479, clearing 80% of listings. Heavier steers weighing over 400kg performed even better, gaining $56 to average $1,687.

In contrast, lighter steers faced price pressure week on week,  with those weighing 200-280kg averaging $1,062 with a 68% clearance rate. 

Results for heifers were mixed,with lighter categories achieving greater clearance. Heifers weighing 280-330kg performing well, rising $80 to average $1,052. Meanwhile, heifers 0-200kg registered a smaller offering of 125 head and averaged $768/head, lifitng $4 from last week for a 74% clearance. Prices ranged from 352 - 424c and averaged 407c/kg lwt.

The breeding stock category showed varying trends. Station mated Heifers and Calves experienced a surge in price this week, lifting $375 to average $2,010, with a strong 95% clearance rate.

Listing activity increased in all states this week bar New South Wales. However, New South Wales continues to maintain the greatest listing state, followed by Queensland. South Australia experienced the greatest change in listing behaviour, listing an additonal 818 head week on week for a total of 1,503 head offered. 

Buying activity increased across all southern states (South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria). However, the usual dominant buying regions felt a softening in numbers with New South Wales and Victoria both back on last week's numbers.

Processor purchasing activity lifted to 13.3% of total offerings this week. 


From Adelong, NSW a line of 54 Angus steers aged 4 to 5 months old and weighing 201kg returned $1,005/head, or 499c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Londonderry, NSW.

From Holbrook, VIC a line of 26 Angus/Angus cows aged 3.5 years old and weighing 456kg returned $3,070/head, or 673c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Bonnie Doon, VIC.

From Tyrendarra, VIC a line of 60 Angus/Friesian heifers aged 18 to 21 months old and weighing 487kg returned $1630/head, or 335c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Yea, VIC.

Week ending Friday, February 21, 2025

The AuctionsPlus commercial cattle market had increased listings and steady demand this week, with 10,278 head offered, up 10% from last week. Clearance rates lifted to 69%, increasing 13 percentage points, reflecting improved confidence in the market.

Restocker demand remained strong, pushing the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) up 44c to 748c/kg DW. Price movements were mixed across categories, with lighter and mid-weight cattle outperforming than heavier lines.

Steers remained a bright spot in the market, accounting for 40% of this weeks offering. The greatest price change week-on-week was experienced in the 330-400kg range, which lifted $147 to average $1,493 for 81% clearance, suggesting ongoing demand for quality backgrounding steers. This weight category is currently returning an average price $198 greater than this time last year, where the average price recorded was $1,295 (February, 24, 2024). 

The 200-280kg steers also strengthened, gaining $103 to average $1,207, with an 85% clearance rate. However, heavier steers weighing over 400kg lost $75, averaging $1,633, despite maintaining a 95% clearance. Lighter steers weighing less than 200kg remained stable at $883, clearing 84% of offerings.

Meanwhile, for heifers, buyers showed a clear preference for heavier lines, with heifers weighing over 400kg jumping $159 to average $1,512, achieving an 88% clearance. The 330-400kg category also lifted $51 to average $1,265, while mid-weight 280-330kg heifers held firm at $984, with 78% clearance.

Lighter heifers weighing under 200kg registered a larger offering of 161 head and averaged $764/head for 100% clearance. Prices ranged from 355 - 638c and averaged 423c/kg lwt.

Cattle listings increased across Queensland, New South Wales, and South Australia. New South Wales led the market with 5,633 head, followed by Queensland at 3,268 head. Buyer activity held steady from the previous week, with processors accounting for 3.8% of total purchases.


From Allora, QLD a line of 12 Hereford heifers aged 16 to 18 months old and weighing 428kg returned $1890/head, or 441c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goonellabah, NSW.

From Barraba, NSW a line of 95 Angus steers aged 13 to 15 months old and weighing 358kg returned $1590/head, or 444c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Armidale, NSW.

From Murga, NSW a line of 43 Angus cows aged 3 to 3.5 years old and weighing 482kg returned $2705/head, or 561c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Wagga Wagga, NSW.

Week ending Friday, February 14, 2025

The AuctionsPlus commercial cattle market rebounded this week, with 9,331 head listed, marking a 19% increase from the previous week. Buyer confidence strengthened, pushing up clearance rates to 70% and lifting key price indicators.

This week’s increase in listings and improved clearance rates signal renewed buyer confidence. Gains across most steer and heifer categories suggest restockers and backgrounders are actively sourcing cattle, particularly in lighter weight classes.

The 280-330kg Steer Indicator rose $40 to $1,226, while the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) increased 62¢ to 761¢/kg DW. 

Meanwhile, the weekly value over reserve (VOR) grew by $13 to $78, reflecting a more competitive bidding environment as buyers sought to secure stock.

Strong gains for steers

Steers performed well across the board, with all weight categories except 330-400kg recording price increases.

Steers weighing 200-280kg led the gains, rising $65 to $1,118, with an 87% clearance rate. Heavy steers (400kg+) jumped $97 to $1,720, clearing at 88%, indicating strong demand for heavier lines.

Heifers prices climb with greater clearance for lighter lines

The heifer market experienced solid price growth, although clearance rates for heavier categories remained below 70%.

Heifers weighing 200-280kg heifers rose $16 to average $821, clearing at 90%. Heavier lines weighing 280-330kg heifers gained $39, averaging $1,050 with an 88% clearance rate.

While breeding stock showed mixed results, the strong performance of SM heifers and cow-calf units highlights selective but firm demand.

Interstate purchasing activity also expanded to 34% (+5pp), highlighting strong demand across multiple regions.

New South Wales was the greatest listing state this week with 4,372 offered, followed by Queensland who listed 2,183 head. Meanwhile, Queensland's purchasing activity grew by 161% this week, marking the state as the top purchasers this week, followed by New South Wales.

Processors accounted for 4.5% of purchases in the past week.


From Stowport, TAS a line of 17 Angus steers aged 9 to 11 months old and weighing 323kg returned $1480/head, or 458c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Launceston, TAS. 

From Cunnamulla, NSW a line of 102 Angus/Composite steers aged 8 to 9 months old and weighing 271kg returned $1260/head, or 465c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tara, QLD.

From Hamilton, SA a line of 46 Angus heifers aged 18 to 19 months old and weighing 315kg returned $1050/head, or 333c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Stony creek, VIC.

From Cowra, NSW a line of 8 Angus cows aged 2 to 3 years old and weighing 477kg returned $2320/head, or 487c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Bathurst, NSW.


Week ending Friday, February 7, 2025

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings ended the week at 7,867 head listed. The smaller offering was met with mixed competition as the week ended with an average of 54% clearance. However, value over reserve has lifted to $86/head, an increase of $26 week on week. 

The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) fell by 37c to average 713c/kg DW. The 280-330kg indicator ended the week at $1,237/head.

The steer market produced a mixed performance, with gains recorded in the 200-280kg category increasing by $12, and steers over 400kg increasing $11. Clearance rates varied, with lighter steers (0-200kg) achieving full clearance at 100%, while 330-400kg steers saw only 64% clearance, and steers over 400kg had the lowest clearance at 44%.

To the heifer market where, despite the softer pricing, clearance rates remained strong for 0-200kg heifers at 100%, showing demand for lighter-weight females. However, heavier lines struggled in comparison, with 200-280kg heifers clearing just 49% and 280-330kg heifers at 52%.

Breeding stock delivered mixed results, with PTIC cows surging $338 to $2,054, and NSM cows and calves increasing $294 to $1,847. PTIC heifers also saw an uptick in price, rising $158 to $1,839.

Interstate purchasing edged up one percentage point to 22% this week, indicating some continued buyer competition. NSW purchased the volume of cattle offered this week with 2,352 head bought, followed by QLD who purchased 1,103 head. 

Processors accounted for 3.1% of purchases in the past week.

READ MORE: TOM'S MARKET MUSTER: Destocking or not? PTIC opportunities and the steer-heifer gap


From Roslyn, NSW a line of 75 Angus steers aged 6 to 7 months old and weighing 262kg returned $1240/head, or 474c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Walcha, NSW.

From Darriman, VIC a line of 50 Angus steers aged 14 to 15 months old and weighing 461kg returned $1750/head, or 379c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Campbell Town, TAS.

From Woolsthorpe, NSW a line of 52 Angus cows aged 6 years old and weighing 674kg returned $2700/head, or 401c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Heywood, VIC.

Week ending Friday, January 31, 2025

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings remained strong this week with 15,050 head offered. The average Value Over Reserve achieved was $83, an increase of $33 week on week.

The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) lifted by 37c to average 756c/kg DW. The 280-330kg steer indicator lifted $32, to average $1,289/head. 

Lighter cattle experienced greater clearance this week. Light steers 0-200kg averaged $809/head, experiencing 100% clearance. Prices ranged from 329 - 419c and averaged 410c/kg lwt. 

The heifer market displayed resilience, with most categories recording gains. The 330-400kg heifers rose to an average of $1,223. Heifers weighing 0-200kg averaged $620/head -  down $8 from last week for a 95% clearance, and averaged 320c/kg lwt. Heifers in this weight category also saw the greatest price increase from the past week, lifting an average of $114 week-on-week. 

In the breeding stock, Station-mated (SM) cows and calves gained $22, averaging $2,121, highlighting buyer preference for known pregnancies. PTIC heifers showed improved confidence, adding $79 to reach an average of $1,738. 

READ MORE: TOM'S MARKET MUSTER: Destocking or not? PTIC opportunities and the steer-heifer gap


From Coolatai, NSW a line of 112 Angus steers aged 6 to 8 months old and weighing 308kg returned $1470/head, or 478c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Miles, QLD.

From Dungog, NSW a line of 21 Angus steers aged 5 to 8 months old and weighing 242kg returned $1250/head, or 517c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Walcha, NSW.

From Taroom, QLD a line of 76 Santa Gertrudis heifers aged 8 to 10 months old and weighing 266kg returned $925/head, or 348c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goondiwindi, QLD.

Week ending Friday, January 24, 2025

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 15,049 head, increasing by 12%. The average Value Over Reserve achieved was $75.03, an increase of $19 week on week.

The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) softened by 6c to average 727c/kg DW. 

AuctionsPlus General Manager - Network Paul Hold said the overall after-auction clearance rate of 43% was strongly influenced a low clearance rate on heavy feeder steers as well as SM and PTIC heifers. 

"The flow of feeder cattle has started in earnest in Northern Australia, which has caused a low clearance rate as feedlots are booked out many weeks in advance now," Mr Holm said.

"This would reflect what we see in the physical market where feeder cattle have started to run early, particularly in Queensland.

"The low clearance rate was also seen in SM and PTIC heifers, which is often seen as a bellwether in the market of confidence."

Meanwhile steers under 400kg cleared at over 60% with flat c/kg pricing in these categories as well. 

Mr Holm said the market had reset its price expectations after the bulk of weaner sales had concluded and concluded that a few very warm days through northern Australia always had an affect on the market as well.

In breeding stock, the prices of females with calves at foot increased based on quality and the clearance rate was stable on last week. 

Processors accounted for 10.66% of purchases in the past week.


READ MORE: TOM'S MARKET MUSTER: Destocking or not? PTIC opportunities and the steer-heifer gap


From Barcaldine, Queensland, a line of 68 Santa Gertrudis steers aged 10 to 12 months old and weighing 308kg returned $1340/head, or 435c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Miles, Queensland.

From Moura, Queensland, a line of 85 Droughtmaster heifers aged 10 to 16 months old and weighing 280kg returned $950/head, or 339c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Moura, Queensland.

From Morven, Victoria, a line of 28 Angus heifers aged 17 to 18 months old and weighing 469kg returned $1800/head, or 384c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Wodonga, Victoria.

Week ending Friday, January 17, 2025

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 13,490 head, increasing by 63%. Steer prices showed mixed trends—lighter categories saw small declines, while heavier steers weighing over 400kg strengthened, gaining $110 on average. Lighter heifers performed well this week, with the 200-280kg category rising by $49, as well as the 280-330kg category gaining $42 to average $1,111 per head.

Breeding stock results were varied, with SM Cows and Calves ending the week with 75% for an average of $2,061. Meanwhile, NSM Heifers and Calves ended the week with full clearance for an average of $2,020.

The 280-330kg steer indicator edged up to $1,342, reflecting steady demand. The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) softened by 11c to average 745c/kg DW. 

With weaner sales across the southern regions as well as in the west happening this week, the AuctionsPlus Weaner and Yearling sale accounted for 68% of the total listings this week with 9,195 headlisted, up 46% from the week prior. 

Buyers showed strong interest in heavier steers and breeding heifers, while weaker clearance rates point to selective purchasing strategies. It is pivotal for agents and vendors to engage in discussions about realistic reserve pricing to ensure optimal sale outcomes.

Interstate purchasing ended the week at 22%, while processors represented 21% of total purchasing activity. 


From Piallaway, NSW, a line of 77 Angus steers aged 18 to 19 months old and weighing 470kg, returned $1940/head, or 413c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Oakey, QLD.

From Barwidgee, Victoria, a line of 29 Angus heifers aged 2.5 years old and weighing 593kg, returned $2400/head, or 405c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Myrtleford, Victoria.

From Taroom, Queensland, a line of 49 Hereford/Angus Cross steers aged 10 to 16 months old and weighing 322kg, returned $1450/head, or 450c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Banana, Queensland.

Week ending Friday, January 10, 2025

AuctionsPlus' cattle offering saw an increase in listings this week , with 8,296 head offered, returning to pre-Christmas break levels. The larger offering was met with strong demand as clearance increased to 83% and value over reserve lifted by $48 to average $98. 

Weaner sales across the southern regions are in full swing, driving high prices and strong demand across all steer and heifer weight categories.

Steers weighing 280-330kg saw an offering of 1,351 head, averaging $1,346/head—up $255 from last week—with an 86% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 381 to 484c, averaging 430c/kg lwt.

Meanwhile, heavier steers weighing 330-400kg saw 847 head offered, averaging $1,479/head with a 92% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 367 to 442c, averaging 413c/kg lwt.

Heifers weighing 330-400kg saw an offering of 739 head, averaging $1,281/head—up $116 from last week—with a 99% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 295 to 371c, averaging 350c/kg lwt.

Processors represented 12% of total purchasing activity. 


From Blayney, NSW a line of 64 Angus steers aged 8 to 9 months old and weighing 321kg returned $1410/head, or 439c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Willow tree, NSW.

From Caveside, TAS a line of 33 Angus/Friesian X heifers aged 14 to 15 months old and weighing 316kg returned $1170/head, or 370c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in St Helens, TAS.

From Augathella, QLD a line of 104 Droughtmaster heifers aged 20 to 28 months old and weighing 435kg returned $1565/head, or 360c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goondiwindi, QLD.

Week ending Friday, December 20, 2024

AuctionsPlus' cattle offering declined 68% in the final week of regular trading for the year.

Just 3,611 head of commercial cattle were offered this week, achieving an 86% clearance rate. The value over reserve lost last week's gains of $70 to average $93.

Meanwhile the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) increased by 6c/kg dressed weight to 741.

Steers in the 280-330kg range performed well, averaging $1,301, rising an average of $57/head from the previous week. All other steer categories saw cheaper trends this week.

In breeding stock, PTIC Heifers' average head price fell by $193 to $1,647. SM heifers, however, lifted $10 to an average of $1,954.

The decreased listings were experienced in all states, indicating the lower offering was triggered by the impending Christmas break.


From Allora, Queensland, a line of 14 Hereford steers aged six to eight months old and weighing 205kg returned $1200/head, or 585c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Junabee, Queensland.

From Wee Waa, NSW, a line of 24 Angus/White Brahman heifers aged 16 to 17 months old and weighing 453kg returned $1800/head, or 398c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Mallanganee, NSW.

From Dungowan, NSW a line of 80 Angus steers aged 12 to 15 months old and weighing 314kg returned $1410/head, or 449c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tamworth, NSW.

Week ending Friday, December 13, 2024

Steers in the 280-330kg range performed well, averaging $1,502, rising $10 from the previous week. Among heifers, lighter weights saw significant interest, with heifers under 200kg averaging $980, an $88 increase. 

In breeding stock, PTIC cows were a standout, with their average price climbing by $83 to $2,084, reflecting strong demand for breeding females. SM heifers, however, saw a decline, with prices down $59 to an average of $1,897.

Despite a 24% reduction in total head numbers, clearance rates remained robust at 84%, only slightly lower than last week. The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) edged up by 8 cents to 735c/kg, pointing to steady demand across the board.

Overall, while lighter cattle and breeding stock showed resilience, the softer prices for heavier categories suggest some caution among buyers.


From Morundah, NSW a line of 110 Angus steers aged 8 to 9 months old and weighing 260kg returned $1250/head, or 481c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Leeton, NSW.

From Bridgenorth, TAS a line of 12 Hereford heifers aged 11 to 13 months old and weighing 273kg returned $1010/head, or 370c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Glengarry, TAS.

From Coolah, NSW a line of 42 Angus cows aged 3 to 7 years old and weighing 554kg returned $2480/head, or 448c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Albert, NSW.

Week ending Friday, December 6, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 14,983 head, increasing by 21%. The larger offering was met with strong demand as clearance increased to 78% and vale over reserve lifted by $63 to average $122 per head. 

Australia's cattle market remains resilient, with AuctionsPlus reporting a total of 14,983 head listed this week. Strong demand for lightweight steers and heifers continues to drive prices, while breeding stock categories saw selective buying.

The 280–330kg Steer category climbed $64 to average $1,261, reflecting robust demand for mid-weight stock. Similarly, the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator (AYCI) rose 44c/kg, reaching 737c/kg – a clear sign of renewed confidence in younger cattle.

Lighter steers weighing 0–200kg led the charge, averaging $895, up $229 from the previous week, with a 100% clearance rate. Similarly, 200–280kg steers performed well, averaging $1,301 at a clearance of 95%.

The heifer market showed mixed results. Lightweight heifers (0–200kg) recorded strong competition, averaging $554 with a 100% clearance rate. Heifers weighing 200–280kg saw a similar clearance of 91%, while heavier heifers (330-400kg) ended the week averaging $1,273 a head with a clearance of 81%.

Breeding categories showed some variation with PTIC Heifers averaging $1,780, with a clearance of 72%. In contrast, SM Cows & Calves performed strongly, averaging $2,922, up $63, with a clearance rate of 80%.

Processors accounted for 11.7% of total purchasing activity. 

Weekly Market Price Tables

Week ending Friday, November 29, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings rose this week, with 12,359 head offered, marking an increase in supply. However, the larger offering saw mixed competition, with clearance rates softening to 63%, while value over reserve increased by $14 to average $80.

Light steers maintained their strong performance, with those weighing 200-280kg averaging $1,095/head, up $77 from the previous week, and achieving a clearance rate of 78%. Prices ranged from 255-500c/kg, with an average of 432c/kg lwt across 1,085 head offered.

Buyers showed consistent demand for this weight range, reflecting their versatility and suitability for backgrounding programs.

Heavier steers in the 280-330kg category also drew significant interest, with a larger offering of 2,054 head. They averaged $1,221/head, achieving a 71% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 222-447c/kg, with an average of 398c/kg lwt, indicating steady demand for heavier feeder-weight steers.

Demand for lighter cattle remained robust, with both steers and heifers under 200kg achieving a 100% clearance rate. These lighter categories sold for 11% over their reserve prices, showing strong competition for conservatively reserved lots..

In the breeding stock category, the market softened compared to last week's activity. SM cows and calves saw an increased offering of 545 head, averaging $1,807/head, a drop of $216 from last week, with a clearance rate of 77%. While demand for breeding stock was more subdued, this reflects a possible adjustment following heightened activity in previous weeks.


From Goondiwindi, NSW a line of 69 Angus steers aged 10 to 12 months old and weighing 272kg returned $1360/head, or 500c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goondiwindi, QLD.

From Spring ridge, NSW a line of 74 Angus steers aged 12 to 15 months old and weighing 383kg returned $1515/head, or 396c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Woolbrook, NSW.

From Tamworth, NSW a line of 34 Angus cows aged 3 to 3.5 years old and weighing 489kg returned $2360/head, or 483c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tamworth, NSW.

Week ending Friday, November 22, 2024

AuctionsPlus saw 12,023 commercial cattle listed this week, with mixed competition driving a solid clearance rate of 67%. While this marked a slight dip of 1pp from last week, vendors benefited from stronger buyer demand, as the average value over reserve increased by $24 to reach $82 per head.

Lighter steer categories showed impressive price gains. Steers weighing 200–280kg averaged $1,008/head, up $60 from last week with an 82% clearance rate.

Meanwhile, steers weighing 330–400kg  recorded the biggest jump, rising $83 to average $1,394/head, with a near-perfect clearance rate of 96%.

Heavier steers above 400kg were the only category to ease, dropping $166 to average $1,476/head, with a 68% clearance rate.

All heifer categories enjoyed price increases on last week and a small increase to numbers offered, buoyed by steady buyer demand.

Heifers weighing 0–200kg achieved a 100% clearance rate, with prices climbing $78 to average $615/head from the 318 offered.

Meanwhile, heifers weighing 330–400kg heifers rose $21 to $1,069/head, with a 72% clearance rate. Heavier heifers weighing over 400kg saw a modest increase of $22, averaging $1,389/head, selling to a clearance of 60%. 

In the breeding stock, a small yarding of SM cows and calves saw an average increase of $374 on last week to average $2,043/head.  PTIC cows achieved $1,735/head with 60% of listings cleared.

State listings and purchases remained relatively steady compared to last week, with Queensland and Victoria each adding about 900 extra head to their total offerings.

Processor activity increased, accounting for 14% of sales—up 5% from the previous week.

Although reduced offerings and lower clearance rates indicate selective buyer interest, strong results in key steer and heifer categories, along with a 47c/kg rise in the AYCI, signals positive market sentiment.


From Barcaldine, Queensland, a line of 121 Santa Gertrudis steers aged 10 to 14 months old and weighing 304kg returned $1280/head, or 422c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Charleville, Queensland.

From Aramac, Queensland, a line of 114 Charolais Cross heifers aged nine to 12 months old and weighing 269kg returned $920/head, or 342c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Bollon, Queensland.

From Condah Swamp, Victoria, a line of 14 Angus cows aged three to four years old and weighing 655kg returned $1940/head, or 296c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Hamilton, Victoria.

Week ending Friday, November 15, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 13,853 head, increasing by 28%. The larger offering was met with mixed competition as clearance fell to 68%, down 3pp from last week, while average value over reserve lifted $34 to average $70.

Steers under 280kg achieved a clearance of 91%, but dropped an average of $76 per head compared to last week's prices. This could indicate some producers were keen to exit these steers, without regard for the price, potentially due to seasonal conditions.

In contrast the next weight up, from 280-330kg, achieved a 77% clearance at close of auction with a $60/head increase on last week, to average $1,195/head. 

All heifer categories enjoyed price increases on last week and a small increase to numbers offered.

In the breeding stock, a small yarding of SM heifers dropped price significantly on last week as did the SM cows and calves. However, the PTIC Heifers and PTIC Heifers recorded significant increases on last week's per head price - indicating buyers were happy to pay a big premium for the certainty preg testing provides.

Listings and purchases by state were fairly steady on last week, however NSW producers offered about 2000 additional head.

Processor activity accounted for 9% of sales.


From Ournie, Victoria, a line of 114 Angus steers aged 14 to 15 months old and weighing 350kg returned $1430/head, or 408c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Orange, NSW.

From Railton, Tasmania, a line of nine Murray Grey/Hereford heifers aged nine to 10 months old and weighing 322kg returned $1110/head, or 345c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Deloraine, Tasmania.

From Camperdown, Victoria, a line of 26 Angus cows aged three years old and weighing 562kg returned $2220/head, or 395c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Camperdown, Victoria.

Week ending Friday, November 8, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 10,837 head, increasing by 4%. The larger offering was met with mixed competition as clearance fell to 57%, while value over reserve lifted by $2 to average $64.

Steers under 330kg stood out as a strong-performing category, achieving an impressive clearance rate exceeding 85%. This segment demonstrated a robust appetite among buyers, likely driven by the manageable price points and reserve setting.

In contrast, the clearance rates for heifers and PTIC heifers generally receded compared to last week, reflecting a more cautious stance among purchasers in these categories.

This has continued the trend of the perceived lack of confidence in the upcoming season, where any cattle that require a longer term commitment, are still struggling to meet all vendor expectations. 

Steers 200-280kg registered a larger offering of 1,394 head and averaged $1,028/head -  down $46 from last week for a 88% clearance. Prices ranged from 216 - 467c and averaged 426c/kg lwt.

On the heifer front, the 200-280kg category registered a smaller offering of 653 head, averaging $760 per head. This average was a slight improvement compared to last week, aligning with a clearance rate of 67%. Prices ranged from 266 to 364c/kg lwt, averaging 310c/kg lwt. 

Heavier heifers weighing over 400kg experienced a more pronounced reduction in interest, with the offering limited to 317 head. The average price dropped by $76, settling at $1,344 per head, and clearance held at 78%. Prices for this category ranged from 263 to 435c/kg lwt, averaging 326c/kg lwt.


From Guyra, NSW a line of 48 Angus cows aged 6.2 to 6.5 years old and weighing 619kg returned $2820/head, or 455c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Myall creek, NSW.

From Winton, QLD a line of 104 Angus/Droughtmaster/Santa steers aged 8 to 14 months old and weighing 274kg returned $1095/head, or 400c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Wandoan, QLD.

From Hungerford, QLD a line of 103 Santa Gertrudis steers aged 10 to 12 months old and weighing 306kg returned $1195/head, or 391c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Miles, QLD.

Week ending Friday, November 1, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings slipped to 10,417 head, decreasing by 16% from last week. The smaller offering was met with mixed competition as clearance fell to 69%, while value over reserve lifted by $23 to average $76.

Steers 200-280kg  registered a smaller offering of 1,027 head listed, this category saw strong competition, achieving a 95% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 292 to 530c/kg, averaging 447c/kg live weight, and reaching an average price of $1,074 per head—up $133 from last week.

Heifers 200-280kg also registered a smaller yarding with a total of 724 heifers were offered, averaging $757 per head. Clearance remained high at 91%, with prices ranging from 253 to 359c/kg, averaging 313c/kg live weight.

Heifers 400kg+ saw a larger listing of 658 head, averaging $1,430 per head—a $214 increase from last week—with an 86% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 320 to 371c/kg, averaging 333c/kg live weight.

Similarly, Steers weighing 400kg+ had a larger offering of 1,439 head and averaged $1,569 a head, with prices between 327 and 382c/kg and an average of 362c/kg live weight. Clearance in this category was 66%.

This week's results highlight the benefit of setting conservative reserve prices, which helped draw stronger buyer interest and improve outcomes across most categories.

In review, AuctionsPlus found that the trend suggests that when reserves align closely with market appetite, vendors stand a better chance of maximising competition and securing favourable prices despite a smaller overall supply.


From Glen innes, NSW a line of 41 Angus cows aged 4 to 6 years old and weighing 510kg returned $2310/head, or 453c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Balfours peak, NSW.

From Barrington, TAS a line of 11 Shorthorn heifers aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 288kg returned $910/head, or 316c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Railton, TAS.

From Brymaroo, QLD a line of 120 Simmental/Charbray steers aged 8 to 12 months old and weighing 225kg returned $1070/head, or 475c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Taroom, QLD.

Week ending Friday, October 25, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers have risen by 6% this week, with 12,403 head offered. The value over reserve indicator reflected an increase of $20 to average $75/head over set reserves. 

Steers weighing over 280-330kg registered a larger offering of 1,268 head and averaged $1,206/head, up $9 from last week. Prices ranged from 323 - 460c/kg and averaged 399c/kg lwt.

PTIC heifers registered a larger offering of 396 head and averaged $1,620/head, up $40 from last week.

Non Station Mated Heifers and Calves presented a larger offering of 223 head and averaged $2,411/head for strong clearance of 81%, up 5% from last week.

Processor/feedlotter activity accounted for 5.66% of the sold offering, rising from last week's 3.76%


From Wongwibinda, NSW a line of 20 Angus/Angus cows aged 3 to 4 years old and weighing 498kg returned $2280/head, or 458c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Walcha, NSW.

From Coolac, NSW a line of 17 Angus/Angus cows aged 2.5 to 3.5 years old and weighing 488kg returned $1510/head, or 310c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Lake Cargelligo, NSW.

From Boggabri, QLD a line of 47 Angus/Angus heifers aged 9 to 14 months old and weighing 328kg returned $1005/head, or 306c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goondiwindi, QLD.

Week ending Friday, October 18, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers slipped by 3% this week, with 11,691 head offered.

AuctionsPlus General Manager - Network Paul Holm said results this week were consistent with this time of year, commenting that "young cattle, in general, have experienced stronger clearance rates."

"Anything sold with a calf on the ground has been met with reasonably good demand," Mr Holm said.

Meanwhile, young cattle have also performed well with steers weighing 280-230kg returning 85% clearance. Heifers in the same weight range had a clearance rate of 77%. 

Steers weighing over 400kg registered a larger offering of 782 head and averaged $1,643/head, up $91 from last week. Prices ranged from 339 - 374c/kg and averaged 363c/kg lwt. 

Non station-mated Heifers and Calves registered a smaller offering of 270 head and averaged $2,227/head, up $178 from last week for a 65% clearance.

Heifers 200-280kg registered a smaller offering of 898 head and averaged $808/head, up $105 from last week for a 62% clearance.

Processor/feedlotter activity accounted for 3.76% of the sold offering, rising from last week's 2.82%. 


From Springhurst, Victoria, a line of 36 Angus cows aged 4 to 9 years old and weighing 575kg returned $2120/head, or 369c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Molong, NSW.

From Ben Lomond, NSW, a line of 28 Droughtmaster/Simmental Cross cows aged 4 to 4.5 years old and weighing 385kg returned $1950/head, or 507c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Ashford, NSW.

From Mangoplah, NSW, a line of 70 Angus steers aged 14 to 16 months old and weighing 487kg returned $1820/head, or 374c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Murray bridge, South Australia.

Week ending Friday, October 11, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers increased by 2% this week, with 11,966 head offered.

The Value Over Reserve also lifted $59 to $88, while the clearance rate dropped eight percentage points to 49% at the close of sales on Friday. 

AuctionsPlus General Manager - Network Paul Holm said the breeding stock offering was up 27% on last week, which affected clearance on the back of PTIC heifers and SM cows and calves.

The PTIC heifers had a particularly tough week, with just a 13% clearance.

Steers weighing over 280kg had strong clearances from 74-89% at the close of sale on Friday - which is likely to increase over the weekend.

Mr Holm said there were a lot of southern NSW listings, with the majority going into Queensland.

Processor/feedlotter activity accounted for 2.82% of the sold offering, down from last week's 6.92%. 


From Uralla, NSW a line of 25 Angus steers aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 298kg returned $1360/head, or 457c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Quirindi, NSW.

From Adavale, Queensland, a line of 118 Droughtmaster Cross heifers aged four to 13 months old and weighing 233kg returned $660/head, or 283c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Charleville, Queensland.

From Glencoe, NSW, a line of 72 Angus cows aged 2.5 to three years old and weighing 465kg returned $2000/head, or 430c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Barraba, NSW.

Week ending Friday, October 4, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers fell by 13% this week, with 11,723 head offered. 

AuctionsPlus General Manager - Network Paul Holm said results were really mixed this week.

"When you look through the catalogue there are some quite good results, but there are others without bids," Mr Holm said.

He said a level of uncertainty in the market, perhaps brought about by seasonal conditions, may have impacted the clearance rate this week.

However, he expected strong post sale negotiations to lift the $44% clearance rate mid-afternoon on Friday. This figure will update in the above graphic in real time over the weekend.

Mr Holm also reiterated that getting your livestock on the market, and pricing them right, was key to good clearance.

The bright spot in prices this week was for steers weighing over 330kg fetching a week-on-week increased head price of $15-16. 

Listing numbers out of NSW fell almost 2000 head this week and WA re-entered the market with 54 head. Purchases out of NSW also dropped more than 3000 head.

Processor/feedlotter activity accounted for 6.92% of the sold offering, up from last week's 4.6%. Buyers showed particular interest in steers over 330kg this week, with only one heifer lot purchased.


From Drik Drik, Victoria, a line of 85 Angus steers aged 12 to 14 months old and weighing 367kg returned $1670/head, or 455c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in The Gurdies, Victoria.

From Padthaway, South Austrlalia, a line of 88 Angus heifers aged 17 to 19 months old and weighing 429kg returned $1460/head, or 341c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Two Wells, South Australia.

From Toobeah, Queensland, a line of 39 Angus cows aged 36 to 40 months old and weighing 514kg returned $1710/head, or 333c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Moura, Queensland.

Week ending Friday, September 27, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers lifted by 3% this week, with 13,350 head offered. However, demand has continue to ease compared to previous weeks, now sitting at 57%. Value over reserve has fallen $23 from last week to average $76. However, this week's VOR is still sitting $6 above the lowest VOR recorded in the past month. The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle indictor increased by 8c to average 755c/kg dw.

Prices were mixed across the steer and heifer weight categories, with two up and two down for both sets of categories. Steers weighing 200-280kg saw an average gain of $47/head by a $/head basis. However, on a cents per kilo basis, prices fell by 9c to average 441c/kg lw.

Heavier steers weighing 280-330kg also felt a rise in price from the week prior, increasing $43/head on a $/head basis.

Breeding stock saw strong gains across joined cattle, with prices increasing in the PTIC Cows, PTIC Heifers as well as the station mated Heifer categories. However, non station mated cows and heifers both experienced declines.

Victoria listed 35% more than last week to total 1,840 head and achieved a 65% clearance rate. Queensland's listings were down 26% from the week prior. However, they were still the second highest listing state at 2,550 head. Queensland did the bulk of the purchasing this week, securing 31% of the sold offering.

Listing numbers out of New South Wales remained relatively steady from the week prior, experiencing a 6% increase in numbers with a total of 7,748 head offered.

Processor/feedlotter activity accounted for 4.6% of the sold offering, a pinch on last week's notable increase where activity lifted to 12.6%. Buyers showed particular interest in females this week, with mid-weight heifers attracting significant interest, while heavier steers continue to attract consistent competition. 


From Dysart, TAS a line of 27 Angus/Angus heifers aged 13 to 14 months old and weighing 323kg returned $1300/head, or 402c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Launceston, TAS

From Coonabarabran, NSW a line of 109 Angus/Angus steers aged 9 to 12 months old and weighing 302kg returned $1450/head, or 480c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tamworth, NSW.

From Caramut, VIC a line of 114 Angus/Angus steers aged 11 to 12 months old and weighing 372kg returned $1490/head, or 400c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Casterton, VIC.

Week ending Friday, September 20, 2024

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers lifted by 23% this week, with 12,903 head offered. However, demand eased compared to previous weeks, now sitting at 65%. Value over reserve continued to rise, averaging $122 above set reserves - $52 higher than the lowest VOR recorded in the past month. The AuctionsPlus Young Cattle indictor fell by 5c to average 754c/kg dw.

Passed-in lots accounted for 3,600 head, or 28% of the total offering. These lots received bidding activity but didn’t reach their set reserve rates and will be negotiated over the weekend and into next week secure a sale.

Post-sale updates were strong for last week’s sales, with the clearance rate rising by eight percentage points, from 76% to 84%.

Prices were mixed across the steer and heifer weight categories, with two up and two down for both sets of categories. Steers 400kg and above fell on a $/head basis by $20/head but lifted on a cents per kilo basis by 10c to average 401c/kg lw.

Breeding stock saw strong gains in the cow and calf categories, while joined cows experienced declines.

New South Wales listed 15% more than last week to total 7,305 head and achieved a 66% clearance rate, while Queensland listed 49% more than last week and was the second highest listing state at 3,455 head, achieving a 69% clearance rate. New South Wales did the bulk of the purchasing, securing 50% of the sold offering, followed by Queensland who picked up 31%.

Processor/feedlotter activity lifted noticeably, accounting for 12.3% of the sold offering. Buyers showed particular interest in females this week, with mid-weight heifers attracting significant interest, while heavier steers continue to attract consistent competition. 


From Bishopsbourne, TAS a line of 15 Angus steers aged 11 - 12 months old and weighing 283kg returned $1,350/head, or 478c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Winnaleah, TAS.

From Table top, NSW a line of 108 Angus/Angus heifers aged 12 - 13 months old and weighing 290kg returned $1,420/head, or 490c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Gobarralong, NSW.

From Beaudesert, QLD a line of 7 Speckle Park/Speckle Park PTIC cows aged 4 - 6 years old and weighing 593kg returned $3,660/head, or 618c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Dungay, NSW.

Week ending Friday, September 13, 2024:

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers fell 23% this week, with the reduced yarding of 10,544 head retaining similar prices from the previous week. Value Over Reserve lifted $27 to reach $104 and the clearance rate was steady at 76%.

There were very few light steers and heifers offered this week, with these categories also experiencing average price decreases.

Breeding stock largely recorded an upswing in per head prices, particularly PTIC and SM heifers, even with low clearances.

Processor activity lifted to 6.25% from nearly 4% last week. 

Queensland halved the number of cattle it offered this week and buyers from the state also purchased about 1000 less head compared to the previous week. 


From Mendooran, NSW, a line of 45 Angus steers aged 11 to 13 months old and weighing 393kg returned $1530/head, or 390c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Bodangora, NSW.

From Coonamble, NSW, a line of 28 Angus heifers aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 373kg returned $1340/head, or 359c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Inverell, NSW.

From Murrindindi, Victoria, a line of one Angus cows aged five years old and weighing 604kg returned $2500/head, or 414c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Camperdown, Victoria.

Week ending Friday, September 6, 2024:

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers fell 3% this week, with the 13,672 head also experiencing moderate price decreases. The lighter end of the steer market recorded the strongest gains again this week, however heifers in all weight categories except one fetched reduced head values.

The dashboard may look destressing in all red but AuctionsPlus General Manager - Network Paul Holm reported this week's market reflected more normal market conditions, coming off an exceptional high result last week.

He also expected the clearance rate to continue to climb over the weekend, as post sale negotiations continue.

Processor activity dropped to 4% from nearly 11% last week, with the majority of interest in heifer lots, including one lot of PTIC heifers. 

25% of all lots were purchased by inter-state buyers, seven percentage points higher than last week. 


From Bingara, NSW, a line of 66 Angus/Brangus steers aged sevent to 10 months old and weighing 317kg returned $1245/head, or 392c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Dorrigo Mountain, NSW.

From Bathurst, NSW, a line of 40 Angus heifers aged 11 to 12 months old and weighing 315kg returned $1150/head, or 365c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Blayney, NSW.

From Blackall, a line of 54 Santa Gertrudis cows aged four to five years old and weighing 569kg returned $2290/head, or 403c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Talwood, Queensland.

Week ending Friday, August 30, 2024:

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers lifted 41% this week, with the 14,075 head also securing moderate price increases. The lighter end of the steer and heifer market recorded the strongest gains and clearance rates for the second week in a row.

Value over reserve increased by $28 this week to average $104 above set reserves, as buyers had to push a bit harder to secure lots. The 280-330kg steer indicator was the only steer indicator lifted 2%, averaging $1,244/head, while the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle indicator lifted 5c to average 390c/kg lw.

Processor/feedlotter activity picked up again this week to 10.91%, with 1,246 head purchased. 

Queensland was the largest listing state this week, with the 7,002 head, more than 2,000 extra compared to last week. The offering received some strong competition from both local and interstate buyers, with most of the offering selling between Queensland and NSW.


From West Kentish, Tasmania, a line of six Sim-Angus steers aged 16 to 17 months old and weighing 464kg returned $1910/head, or 412c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Penguin, Tasmania.

From Mandurama, NSW, a line of 94 Angus heifers aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 328kg experienced some hot competition to return $1820/head, or 555c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Walcha, NSW.

From Baddaginnie, Victoria, a line of 21 Angus heifers aged 22 to 24 months old and weighing 475kg returned $1650/head, or 348c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tarnook, Victoria.