AuctionsPlus News
Remo Carbone, CEO of MEQ explains how technology to analyse carcasse quality is being used by processors to select premium meats.
AACo's CEO David Harris on the outlook for beef demand, the drive to sustainability and what the company has in store for the next 200 years.
Impact Ag’s Hugh Killen believes Australia has a massive opportunity in the natural capital space. Here’s what they are targeting in their $1 billion fund.
Ruminati's carbon baselining status to be seamlessly integrated into AuctionsPlus listings under new collaborative partnership.
The industry has reduced carbon emissions by 78% since 2005, as well as improving live export mortality. ABSF Steering Group chair, Mark Davie explains where the industry can go from here.
The President of the National Farmers Federation sat down with APlus News to talk biosecurity tax, supermarket enquiry report and all things Beef 2024.
The former Cattle Australia chair and industry legend sat down with APlus News to talk politics, carbon and the state of the market.
Nutrien's National Director, Commercial Activities, Jon White believes the farm of the future will be increasingly digitised and hyper-focused on their carbon number. Here's how the agency plans to help.
Check out who APlus News has been catching up with, out and about at Beef 2024.


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