The live export of dairy heifers, especially to China, has been highly profitable for Australian dairy farmers, providing valuable trade opportunities and strong cattle prices.

Farmers and truck drivers descended on Parliament House on Tuesday to protest a ban on live sheep exports and other policies they ...
A man who crashed an ATV buggy with seven unrestrained children on board, killing one, has pleaded guilty to culpable driving caus...
NSW's "buck-passing approach" to the handling of invasive species cannot continue as a blistering assessment warns pests could bec...
Farmers and truck drivers descended on Parliament House on Tuesday to protest a ban on live sheep exports and other policies they say are detrimental to Australian agriculture.
A man who crashed an ATV buggy on a Victorian farm with seven children on board, killing one, has pleaded guilty to culpable driving causing death. 
NSW's "buck-passing approach" to the handling of invasive species cannot continue as a blistering assessment warns pests could become a $30 billion problem within six years.
There are now a range of online tools available to assist farmers in assessing the volume of water in their dams and how long that water may last.
The countdown is on to find out which cutting edge technology will win the 2024 Henty Machine of the Year Award.
Contributions are being sought to inform a project aimed at helping farmers start or grow their reputation as employers of choice.
Australians have been urged to avoid red meat and nuclear power, develop new industrial processes and revegetate the land to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
David Welsh from Nutrien Ag Solutions, Benalla, has been announced as the winner of the Howard Gardner Award for 2024.
Discover the surprising ways healthy soil impacts our mental and physical health, from gut microbiome diversity to nutrient-rich food. Learn how soil degradation affects our wellbeing and what we can do to support regenerative agriculture.

News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.