AuctionsPlus News

This week only saw Melbourne and Sydney selling centres conducting auctions with Fremantle shutting down for the week. The AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) rose 19c on Tuesday and then fell 4c on Wednesday, overall closing out the week up 15c at 1,350c/kg, or 978c/kg in US dollar terms. Supply fell for the second consecutive week with only 32,475 bales offered this week.

This week only saw Melbourne and Sydney selling centres conducting auctions with Fremantle shutt...

This week saw physical selling centres offer slightly under the expected number of bales of 51,000, with 49,003 presented, of w...

AuctionsPlus commercial weekly goat listings have decreased week-on-week for the previous three weeks, with numbers slipping aw...

Selling week 51 saw the Fremantle selling center jump back into action after its recess and made an instant impact. The AWEX Ea...

The national wool offering eased to 48,760 bales this week at national selling centres, falling from 50,836 bales last week. Th...

The national wool offering saw a marginal drop this week, with 46,622 bales offered as opposed to 50,603 last week. The AWEX Ea...

The national wool offering this week remained steady on the previous week as the number of bales offered dropped slightly from ...

This week saw physical selling centres offer slightly under the expected number of bales of 51,000.
AuctionsPlus commercial weekly goat listings have decreased week-on-week for the previous three weeks.
Selling week 51 saw the Fremantle selling center jump back into action after its recess and made an instant impact.
The national wool offering eased to 48,760 bales this week at national selling centres, falling from 50,836 bales last week.
The national wool offering saw a marginal drop this week, with 46,622 bales offered as opposed to 50,603 last week.
The national wool offering this week remained steady on the previous week as the number of bales offered dropped slightly from 50,596 to 50,062.


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