With a full trading week, the supply of lambs and sheep offered exclusively by AuctionsPlus rebounded to 80,588 head this week – with SIL Merino ewes and Merino wether lambs making up the two largest categories. Whilst the sellers increased their activity this week, buyers appeared to be more cautious, with the clearance rate across most of the main categories subdued, especially for selected breeding lines.

With the Easter holiday-induced short trading week, overall sheep and lamb numbers offered exclusively through AuctionsPlus this w...
In the wake of widespread falls of recent weeks, the number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively through AuctionsPlus this week ...
In the wake of the very wet conditions, total lamb and sheep exclusively offered through AuctionsPlus this week contracted 21%, to...
Overall lamb prices were largely steady, to slightly higher, except for the shedding lines, which contracted $70head.
In the wake of widespread falls of recent weeks, the number of sheep and lambs offered this week was down considerably, to 46,681 head.
In the wake of the very wet conditions, total lamb and sheep exclusively offered through AuctionsPlus this week contracted 21%, to 85,803 head.
It was another large offering of sheep and lambs exclusively offered on AuctionsPlus this week, with total supplies rising 11%, to 107,418 head.
The number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week jumped 15%, to 96,643 head.
Exclusive sheep and lamb listings on AuctionsPlus this week declined marginally, contracting 101 head to total 84,127 head.
The supply of sheep and lambs exclusively offered through AuctionsPlus this week contracted 13%, to 84,228 head.
Lamb and sheep numbers offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus declined 18% this week, to 96,723 head.

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