AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings held steady off the back of reduced yardings in the previous week due to the ANZAC Day public. The clearance rate fell 25 percentage points to 32% and the Price Over Reserve increased by $1 to average $9 across all listings.

AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 8% to 52,823 head this week. Thursday's sheep sale was cancelled due to the A...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings lifted 6% to 57,701 head this week. The larger offering was met with mixed competi...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings jumped 37% to 54,396 in the first full week back after Easter. The increased throu...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 8% to 52,823 head this week. The clearance rate rose 2 percentage points to 52%, while the Price Over Reserve increased by $2 to average $9 across all listings. 
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings lifted 6% to 57,701 head this week. The larger offering was met with mixed competition as clearance fell by 19 percentage points to 48%. Price Over Reserve increased by $1 to average $7 across all listings.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings jumped 37% to 54,396 in the first full week back after Easter.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 24% to 39,295 head this week and was met with a 156c/kg drop to the AuctionsPlus restocker indicator known as ARLI, which is now sitting at 477c/kg.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 13% to 51,497 head this week and was met with a 75c/kg rise to the AuctionsPlus restocker indicator known as ARLI which is now sitting at 633c/kg.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings jumped 20% to 77,452 head this week, driven by Merino Wethers and Shedding Lambs. Clearance dropped 19% while value over reserve rose to $6.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings jumped 20% to 77,452 head this week, driven by Merino Wethers and Shedding Lambs. Clearance dropped 19% while value over reserve rose to $6.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 21% to 64,486 head this week. Clearance rose to 59% while Price Over Reserve fell by $10.

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