AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb numbers shot up this week by 18% to see 63,528 head offered. The bulk of the numbers were represented through Merino lines, with all categories seeing substantial increases on last week, driven by the 200% rise in Merino wether lamb numbers at 20,022 head. Although lamb numbers did jump 6% from last week, it was the NSM sheep lines where the additional supply came from, seeing a 57% increase on last week at 23,991 head.

AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb held steady this week at 53,691 head. The market was mixed with six categories seeing incre...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings lifted to over 50,000 for the first time since June to total 54,506 head offered. ...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings increased this week to 47,710 head offered. Clearance increased to 42% this week, ...
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings remained above 50,000 and hit the highest weekly clearance since the first week of July.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings lifted to over 50,000 for the first time since June to total 54,506 head offered.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings increased this week to 47,710 head offered. Clearance increased to 42% this week, while value over reserve was down slightly to $4 above set reserves.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings were stable this week, with 35,097 head offered. Clearance fell to 37% this week, while value over reserve was up slightly to $7 above set reserves.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings decreased 2% this week, with 35,082 head offered. Clearance slipped to 50% this week and value over reserve was down to $6 above set reserves.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings increased 6% this week, with 35,813 head offered. Clearance lifted to 58% this week, driven by strong demand for new season lambs which made up the largest portion of offerings.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings increased 21% this week, with 33,822 head offered. Offerings were driven higher by new season lambs, as the persistent tougher market conditions has pushed more farmers to sell when they may have been previously holding.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 17% this week, with 27,842 head offered while clearance rate slipped to 32%.

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