Connecting with communities across regional and rural Australia.
For generations, Australians have been fascinated with the idea of turning our inland deserts green with lush vegetation.
The University of Sydney and the Australian Farm Institute are undertaking research to deliver a process to measure human connectivity to soil....
In today's episode, we welcome back Shane Bird, mindset coach, speaker & trainer, to share strategies for farmers to maintain a positive and...
From ChatGPT to data-driven decision making, to the use of drones and biotechnology, how are the latest technologies going to transform farming...
Running two properties plus three motels across two states is no easy feat for the Fleming family, particularly when you add climate variability and...
Right now there’s 10,000 people driving around Aussie farms checking water. That’s 40,000 tires, a massive carbon output and sadly, a high chance of...
At 30 years old Shannon Speight is just a spring chicken by the agricultural industry’s standards but when it comes to the tech world, she jokes she...
AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the buying and selling of livestock. We provide the best product possible to assist with a value-added livestock trading experience that make AuctionsPlus the most effective way to buy and sell livestock.