LISTEN: EOFY Strategies to Minimise Tax and Maximise Returns with Russell Strack

17 April 2024
An article by  Ben Law - The Financial Bloke

Welcome back to the Wealth & Wisdom Podcast, where we dive into the intricacies of tax planning with Russell Strack.

Whether you've faced adversity in 2023 or enjoyed a profitable year, navigating tax obligations smartly is crucial. Russell shares insights on seizing opportunities for tax planning and optimising returns, especially in challenging times.

We'll explore questions such as what tax planning entails, whether procrastination until the last week of June is wise, and if minimising tax payments should always be the goal.

Additionally, we'll delve into strategies like FMDs, superannuation, forced sales, and bucket companies, weighing up their pros and cons.

And for those who've endured lean years, Russell discusses leveraging tough financial periods to one's advantage.

Tune in for actionable advice and expert insights to optimise your financial strategy this fiscal year!




Ben spent over 20 years working with successful business owners and farming families which allowed him to unearth the timeless principles on how to successfully grow, protect and maintain wealth.

If you want to learn the principles of how to grow your family’s wealth throughout the generations, then you might consider joining The Financial Bloke each fortnight for more Wealth & Wisdom


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