The future is here ... robots bring efficiency to the wool industry

6 August 2024
Elders Victorian Wool Manager Lachie Brown at the launch event last week. Pics: Supplied
An article by  Natasha Lobban

The world’s first automated wool handling facility, using autonomous, self-guided vehicles to move bales, while automated, custom-built core lines process wool, has officially opened in Melbourne.

At the launch event at Elders Wool Ravenhall centre, attended by wool growers and industry from across the supply chain, Elders Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Mark Allison, said the new business was an investment in the future of Australian wool.

“We feel privileged to have a 185-year history in Australian agriculture, but with this privilege comes a responsibility to continue our legacy by investing time and energy into rural industries and communities to ensure they continue to thrive,” Mr Allison said.

“Elders Wool is the largest single investment in wool handling this century.

Elders wool

The state-of-the-art facility utilises exciting new technology, such as robotics.

“The decision to launch this business is an absolute vote of confidence for sheep and wool’s bright future in this country.

“I have faith that the sheep industry will work through current challenges and look to new innovations as we have many times before, but priorities at a higher level must first shift to supporting our rural industries.

“We should be investing in improved services, and greater digital and physical infrastructure throughout rural and regional Australia so that agriculture can continue to make a meaningful contribution to our country’s economy.”

Owner of Banyangah Pastoral Co Ian Shippen attested to the impact of the new business on the Australian wool sector.

"Elders Wool is a major innovation in wool, and it is exciting to see Elders take this step and see the bigger picture,” Mr Shippen said.

“It provides a service, wholly managed by Elders, which allows us to get our wool to auction quickly.”

The centre also boasts significant sustainability credentials, aiming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions with solar power, renewable energy, LED lighting and energy efficient equipment.

Elders now offers an end-to-end service for wool growers with the addition of this wool handling arm which accepts bales through receival centres around the country before processing them at two hubs located close to port zones, in Melbourne and Perth. The Perth hub, located at Rockingham, commenced operation in July 2023.


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