Victorian’s Flex Buying Muscles in Early September

14 September 2022
An article by  Teeah Bungey  | Words by Person Name  | Photography by Person Name

While most of the eastern states have experienced above average rainfall in 2022, not everyone has been on the receiving end of a wet season, with parts of Victoria experiencing drier winter conditions this year. As a result, key sheep buying regions throughout western Victoria have been less active than usual throughout 2022. However, the arrival of welcomed rain throughout Victoria during late August and early September has seen the region kick into “purchasing mode”, with Victorian buyers flexing their purchasing muscles online over the past two weeks.

Seasonally, spring sees an influx of new season lambs hit the market. Although later than normal this year (See: Spring Lamb Listings Running 4-6 weeks behind article), Merino wether lamb numbers have been on a rapid rise, making up a large percentage of total weekly offerings – with the 40,186 head accounting for 44% of listings so far in September. The rise in Merino wether lamb numbers has been paired with the arrival of southern buyers, with Victoria purchasing 77% of Merino wether lambs during September.

Auctionsplus weekly sheep and lamb listing 14.9.22

Figure 1 highlights the spike in Merino wether lamb purchases by Victorian producers following their highest weekly rainfall – with the week ending 11 September seeing Victorian buyers secure 22,943 head – 79% of the total Merino wether lamb offered through AuctionsPlus. This is following months of inactive purchasers from the area, as farmers sought to get their stock through the winter conditions. However, future intentions look clear, with Victorian producers keen to secure more lambs and service the trade market earlier, given the wet and slow growing conditions through other regions.

Auctionsplus weekly sheep and lamb listing fig 2 14.9.22

Looking to the buying and selling footprint of Merino wether lambs in recent weeks (Figure 3), whilst listings are more concentrated to NSW with producers in the state accounting for 87% of the offering, it is evident that producers, particularly those in Victoria, are looking far and wide to secure stock - with 94% of Victorian merino wether lambs purchases coming from interstate.

Auctionsplus weekly sheep and lamb listing 14.9.22 fig 3

With a large portion of new season lambs still waiting in the paddock, recent buying patterns out of Victoria show that producers are primed and ready to purchase new season lambs when they hit the market. Victoria typically secures a large portion of the new season lambs offered on AuctionsPlus, and thanks to recent spring rainfall, the state is looking set to follow that trend again in 2022.

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