CA seeks feedback on land management commitment

19 June 2024
Cattle Australia is seeking feedback on its land management paper. Pic: AgriShots
An article by  Natasha Lobban

Cattle Australia has launched an information paper outlining the proposed application of the Land Management Commitment - particularly deforestation-free credentials, and is calling for feedback from across the industry.

CA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Chris Parker, said the Land Management Commitment would enable producers and landholders to demonstrate their sustainability credentials, including deforestation-free, in a way that recognises the Australian landscape.

“CA, along with our funding partners, is leading the way by developing this vital environmental policy, which seeks to address the lack of a clear definition on deforestation aligned to our Australian land management practices. In addition, the meaning of ‘land that is predominantly under agricultural use’ is often unclear and results in uncertainty for defining ‘forest’ and determining ‘deforestation’,” Dr Parker said.

“Landing a credible definition for 'land that is predominantly under agricultural use' is a central focus for this work because it flows on to inform definitions of 'forest' and 'deforestation'. Through this process, we are balancing the need to empower producers to undertake sustainable agricultural practices, protect our natural systems and maintain market access."

Dr Parker said it was vital that the solution was industry-led, in consultation with producers, service providers, government officials and supply chain partners.

“The information paper will support the development of a voluntary credential the supply chain should seek to align with, and empower producers to make informed decisions regarding economic incentives for alignment, without imposing any additional legal obligations,” he said.

The information paper outlines Australian state and territory legislation and influential international frameworks, including from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Accountability Framework initiative (AFi), and European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

It applies the required Australian agricultural context and Australian landscapes, and contextualises the size of the geographical area.

“A key focus of this work is to provide clarity in a way that is internationally credible and fit-for-purpose in Australia,” Dr Parker said.

“In undertaking the work, particular regard is also being given to global food security requirements and climate and biodiversity concerns, with the view to addressing evolving market pressures, Government regulations and disclosure requirements.”

It is imperative producers and supply chain participants actively engage in the process by reviewing and providing feedback on the information paper.

Consultation on the information paper will close at midnight on Sunday, June 23.



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