Most things you eat grew in soil or ate plants growing in soil. We don’t think much about it, but soil is essential to life.

evokeAG. has been signalling the future for the ag sector for half a decade.
When Felicity Anderson musters cattle by motorbike on her Tumbarumba property she hears the cattle and the wildlife, but not the u...
Australian farmers are being invited to take part in a simple survey to measure human connectivity to soil.
The core themes of evokeAG are having a seismic impact on agricultural production and investment, putting participants in the box seat to benefit from, and cope with, change.
Felicity Anderson is electrifying her farm one step at a time, including the introduction of an electric motorbike.
First ever large scale survey to determine if there is a link between a farmer's connectivity with their and farm productivity.
A single, national collection of isotope data will allow Australian agriculture to overcome export challenges and access previously unrealised premium markets.
QPS has attributed the officer being unharmed to the new Integrated Load Bearing Vest, which won't be available at a rural outfitter anytime soon...or ever. 
A single, national collection of isotope data will allow Australian agriculture to overcome export challenges and access previously unrealised premium markets.
The $30 million On Farm Connectivity Program will support primary producers to adopt connected machinery and sensor technology by providing a 50% rebate for the cost of eligible equipment.
There’s no silver bullet solution to agtech adoption but here are ways to overcome the takeup gap.
JBS CEO Tomazoni reaffirmed commitment to net zero emissions by 2040 without using offsets and called for mandatory supply chain traceability in Brazil.

News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.