Jane Bunn: Cooler and wetter weather on the way

1 November 2023

Bushfires thrive in hot and gusty winds, but the weather pattern is changing and there is a period of cooler and wetter weather on the way for southeast QLD and eastern NSW. That should help firefighters in Queensland. 

Jane Bunn a change in the pattern set to help bushfires in Queensland_1Above: potential rainfall from Wednesday 1st November to Wednesday 8th November.

Cooler temperatures are already working their way through the fire areas of southeast QLD, and the wet weather is not far behind it.

Showers and storms kick off gradually on Friday, increase over the weekend and continue into next week. 

A large area should see more than 25mm of rain, with far northeastern NSW set for more than 50mm - over a period of about five days. It may continue beyond next Wednesday too. 

Jane Bunn a change in the pattern set to help bushfires in Queensland_3Above: chance of hotter than average weather overall from Sunday 5th November to Saturday 11th November.

The shift to cooler conditions is likely to continue through next week, as onshore winds push moist air into a trough snaking through the eastern states. If you are on or to the east of that trough line, you’re in the zone that is at risk of showers and thunderstorms. 

This new pattern appears to want to stick with us for a while - potentially all through next week. 

But the pool of heat hasn’t disappeared, and this new pattern brings hot and dry weather to a large part of the nation too.

Away from southern QLD, eastern NSW and southeast VIC, it’s likely to be hotter and drier than average overall.

Jane Bunn a change in the pattern set to help bushfires in Queensland_4Above: Chance of wetter than average weather overall from Sunday 5th November to Saturday 11th November.

See which days the showers and storms can develop in your area, or when the heat is likely to build - or if you’re in the southeast, when the warm and humid weather is likely to kick in. Our forecasts at Jane’s Weather consolidate all the different guidance available into one handy consensus forecast for your property. 

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