AuctionsPlus News

It is difficult not to feel stressed between extreme climatic events, unpredictable markets, financial concerns, social and geographic isolation, and long working hours. 

It is difficult not to feel stressed between extreme climatic events, unpredictable markets, financial concerns, social and geo...

As a farmer, I spend a lot of time in the sheds, especially during crutching season. If you're not familiar with crutching, it'...

Farmer, psychologist, and life juggler, Steph Schmidt wants to drive change in farming mental health. She believes it’s importa...

Steph Schmidt shares valuable lessons about managing the "dags" in our own lives.
Farmer, psychologist, and life juggler, Steph Schmidt is driving change in farming mental health. She believes it’s important to “fill our bins” this Christmas.


News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.