Why you need to 'fill your bins' this Christmas and practice self care

14 December 2023
Steph Schmidt and family.
An article by  Steph Schmidt

Farmer, psychologist, and life juggler, Steph Schmidt wants to drive change in farming mental health. She believes it’s important to “fill our bins” this Christmas.

Harvesting wellness: Filling your own bin for a healthy new year

We’re getting to the end of what’s been yet another huge year for farming families across Australia.

Here on my family farm in South Australia we’re all feeling that exhaustion of the tail end of harvest.

As I’m yet again filling field bins, I’m reminded of an incident two years ago that lead me to realise that it’s important to “fill our bins” at this time of year – that selfcare is important if you’re to truly be able to care for others as well.

The unintentional broadcast

My UHF radio somehow became stuck on and my husband, and everyone else in the district, heard me losing the plot at my three sons on the way home from school.

It was mortifying, but the incident exposed the strain of daily life – juggling chores, managing the kids, and the demands of farm work.

It also made me stop and realise that I was running on empty and that with all our responsibilities, it's easy to neglect the small acts of self-care that keep us resilient.

The grain bin analogy

Soon after I was watching grain cascade into a field bin and a powerful thought struck me — our wellbeing, much like the bin, demands regular replenishment.

We can't give to others when our bin is empty, just as a farmer can't sow next year's crop without preserving some seed wheat.

We must prioritise filling our bins before expecting a harvest.

Steph Schmidt

You Reap What You Sow – literally and figuratively

Applying a creative twist to the familiar saying, "you reap what you sow," I realised the same principle applies to self-care. You can't sow what you don't reap.

Recognising that it's our responsibility to fill our own bins can be a game changer.

Taking small daily steps to nurture ourselves ensures we have reserves to share with our family, friends, and community.

The Power of Connection

While the responsibility to fill our bins lies with each of us, we don't have to go it alone.

We can enlist fellow "bin fillers", creating a network of support.

Connecting with others allows us to simultaneously fill our bins and share a laugh, a chat, or a much needed debrief.

Planning for a strong 2024

As we navigate the final stages of harvest 2023, let's ponder the small steps we can take daily to fill our bins.

Whether it's a moment of quiet reflection, a brisk walk, or a shared cup of coffee with a friend, these seemingly minor acts accumulate, ensuring our bins remain brimming with resilience.

Let's embrace the lesson from the field bin – prioritise self-care daily, and collectively build a resilient farming community. No matter your role in this harvest, remember to sow the seeds of well-being to reap a bountiful and fulfilling new year.

Sign up for Little Rocks Reminders,  weekly emails with tips to stay on track www.stephschmidt.com.au/littlerocks 

Read more:Wilmot Cattle's Stuart Austin kickstarting conversations about farmer mental health

Read more:What cricket and loss taught Glenn McGrath about leadership and resilience


This story is part of the Resilience in the Bush series by AuctionsPlus. The series will tell the stories of people helping farmers and their communities to deal with tough times. If you have suggestions for profiles of people who are making a difference, or tips about how to get through this time, please email newsroom@auctionsplus.com.au.

If you need someone to talk, there are excellent resources available. Visit our webpage with a bunch of names and phones numbers for where you can find support. 


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