AuctionsPlus News

In the wake of widespread falls of recent weeks, the number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively through AuctionsPlus this week was down considerably, to 46,681 head. After last weeks higher market, prices movements this week were varied, with falls for the largest lines of Merino wether and crossbred lambs, while SIL first cross ewes averaged $52/head higher.

In the wake of widespread falls of recent weeks, the number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively through AuctionsPlus this we...

The widespread rain across many key cattle producing regions over the past two weeks has seen a consolidation in demand for lig...

In the wake of the very wet conditions, total lamb and sheep exclusively offered through AuctionsPlus this week contracted 21%,...

Substantial rainfall totals through key supply regions in Queensland and NSW this week contributed to prices surging across alm...

It was another large offering of sheep and lambs exclusively offered on AuctionsPlus this week, with total supplies rising 11%,...

A 21% increase in AuctionsPlus cattle offerings this week, at 19,226 head, contributed to a widespread fall in prices across mo...

The number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week jumped 15%, to 96,643 head, with most of the increa...

A 13% contraction in the number of cattle offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week had price averages for the week varied,...


Exclusive sheep and lamb listings on AuctionsPlus this week declined marginally, contracting 101 head to total 8...

The widespread rain across many key cattle producing regions over the past two weeks has seen a consolidation in demand for light and young cattle...
In the wake of the very wet conditions, total lamb and sheep exclusively offered through AuctionsPlus this week contracted 21%, to 85,803 head.
Substantial rainfall totals through key supply regions in QLD and NSW this week contributed to prices surging across almost all categories.
It was another large offering of sheep and lambs exclusively offered on AuctionsPlus this week, with total supplies rising 11%, to 107,418 head.
A 13% contraction in the number of cattle offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week had price averages for the week varied.
The number of sheep and lambs offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week jumped 15%, to 96,643 head.
A 13% contraction in the number of cattle offered exclusively on AuctionsPlus this week had price averages for the week varied.
Exclusive sheep and lamb listings on AuctionsPlus this week declined marginally, contracting 101 head to total 84,127 head.


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