Monthly Goat Comments - March 2022

31 March 2022
An article by  AuctionsPlus  | Words by Person Name  | Photography by Person Name

AuctionsPlus goat listings for the first quarter of 2022 have increased 113% year-on-year. A total of 19,579 goats were listed online during March, slipping 17% below February 2022 supplies, but still 28% higher than March 2021. Clearance rates through March averaged 73%, with prices easing slightly across most categories.

Queensland accounted for 76% of total listings for March, with a total of 14,919 head. Top listing regions for the month included Southern Queensland (10,807 head), Western Queensland (4,112 head) and Western NSW (2,425 head) The top listing and purchasing towns for the month are listed in Table 1.

table 1-Mar-31-2022-11-28-03-06-PMQueensland continued to account for most listings and purchases (Figure 2) during March, with 25% of the lots sold out of Queensland heading interstate to Victoria and NSW. Indicative of the market through March, a line of 338 four-year-old rangeland does from Surat, Queensland, which weighed 45kg lwt, returned $132/head and travelled to a buyer in northern Victoria.

fig 2-1Rangeland doe listings totalled 8,294 head for the month, which registered a 56% clearance rate. Prices for the category eased $11 from February, to average $120/head, or 548c/kg lwt. Hailing from Roslynmead, Victoria, a line of 17-19-month-old Rangeland does weighing 39kg returned $147/head and will remain in Victoria.

A total of 2,172 Rangeland bucks were listed across the month, which returned a 100% clearance. Prices for the category averaged $107/head - back $2 from the previous month, with prices averaging 483c/kg. A highlight included a line of 800 8-20-month-old bucks weighing 26kg lwt, which returned $132/head, or 508c/kg lwt.

Boer/Rangeland bucks had a total of 5,409 head listed, which reached a 97% clearance. Prices for the category averaged $238/head, or 545c/kg. A large line consisting of 630 head of Boer/Rangeland bucks aged 6-8 months from Mitchell, Queensland, weighing 28kg lwt returned $139 and will travel to Millmerran, Queensland.

Boer/Rangeland does had 783 head offered for the month, which reached a 100% clearance. Prices eased $22 from last month to average $167/head, or 566c/kg lwt. From Mitchell Queensland, a line of 103 8-15-month-old does weighing 36kg lwt returned $200/head and will travel to Tambo, Queensland.

goat sales listing and purchasing

chart 2

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