Monthly Goat Summary - October 2022

4 November 2022
An article by  AuctionsPlus  | Words by Person Name  | Photography by Person Name

AuctionsPlus goat numbers for October reached a total of 3,517 head – an 82% rise from the very quiet September, but back 76% on the same period last year, as flooding and transport issues restricted a wide area of key goat producing country.

Of the goats sold online across during the month, 51% were purchased using the “meet reserve” option, while 24% sold following post sale negotiations and 16% of goats were purchased using the “buy now” feature (Figure 1).

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Figure 1: Method of Purchasing for October goat listings.

Queensland producers accounted for 81% of listings, while NSW made up the remaining 19%. Western Queensland accounted for 64% of listings for the month, at 2,200 head, while the NSW Northwest Slopes and Plains and Southern Queensland both listed 600 head, respectively.

On the purchasing side, Southern Queensland secured the largest number of goats with 950 head, followed by the NSW Southwest Slopes and Plains (810 head) and Northern Queensland (634 head).

The monthly offering comprised mainly of does, accounting for 98% of listings. Rangeland does were the largest category, with a total of 1,590 head, which sold to a 76% clearance. Prices for the category ranged between $100-$130/head, to average $113/head. A highlight included a line of 380 rangeland does, ranging from 1 - 4.5 years, weighing 35kg lwt from Longreach Queensland, which returned $130/head.

Boer/Rangeland does had a total offering of 660 head across the month, which sold to a 100% clearance. Prices for the category sold between $98-$194/head, to average $162/head - a $17 rise on last month.

Boer does had a total of 344 head offered across the category, which sold to a 97% clearance. Prices for the category sold between $213-$580/head, to average $351/head – back $69 from last month. A highlight for the category included a line of 132 pure Boer does aged 2-5 months and weighing 47kg lwt from Mitchell, Queensland. The does returned $260/head and will travel to Ravenswood, Queensland.

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Table 1: Goat price summary October, 2022.

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Figure 2: Goat listing and purchasing states, October 2022.

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