Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales were steady at 15,116 head – down 3% from last week. Green ink made a return with most categories flat or better, as the first signs of price stabilisation appear in the market. The tropical low currently bringing significant rainto parts of northwest Queensland and the prospect for it to move into southeast Queensland has spurred improved demand from Queensland buyers. Listings in Queensland registered an average value over reserve of $170 and a 51% clearance rate – much higher on both fronts than the national listings ($96 and 41%) or Angus listings ($94 and 46%).

Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales hit 15,632 head this week – up 29% on last week. Increased offerings pushe...
Listings fell slightly this week in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales, with 12,141 head – down 12% from last week. Results ...
A total of 13,822 head were offered in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales this week – up 15% on last week although 20% below...
Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales hit 15,632 head this week – up 29% on last week.
Listings fell slightly this week in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales, with 12,141 head – down 12% from last week.
13,822 head were offered in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales this week – up 15% on last week although 20% below the corresponding week in 2022.
The first full week of February saw 12,014 head offered in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales – up 26% on last week but 43% below the same week last year.
Tighter numbers through the five young steer categories failed to rally prices, with all but the heaviest lines registering a decline on last week on a $/head basis.
The offering was largely dominated by PTIC heifers and heavy steers this week.
Steers - largest offering was for the 330-400kg lines, with the 1,113 head offered selling to a 53% clearance rate - averaging $1,663/head, up 17% on last week.
Numbers continued to be well back for the young heifer lines, only making up 22% of the entire market.

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