It was a slow first week for AuctionsPlus commercial cattle, with attention firmly fixed upon the kick-off to the weaner sales through southern regions.

Listings dropped away for the final AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sale of 2022, down 48% from last week to 9,679 head – the lowes...
After four consecutive weeks above 20,000 head, cattle offerings through AuctionsPlus commercial sales declined 12% this week, to ...
For the fourth consecutive week AuctionsPlus cattle listings surged above 20,000 head.
Listings dropped away for the final AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sale of 2022, down 48% from last week to 9,679 head – the lowest weekly level since August.
While the recent decline in the cattle market has corresponded with a run of dry conditions, it’s far more indicative of a market with motivated sellers and very watchful buyers.
Price trends for the week continued to trend lower as the volatility of pricing weighed heavily on buyer sentiment.
This is only the third time in AuctionsPlus history that commercial cattle listings have exceeded 20,000 head for three consecutive weeks.
Clearance rates are expected to rise with post-sale negotiations over the next 48 hours.
Volatility of supply and price can be an expected feature of the cattle markets through to the end of the year.
Despite the much larger offering, the clearance rate jumped to 75% this week, up from the very subdued 49% last week.
Rain and flooding continue to wreak havoc on the supply of cattle to market, with producers battling against restricted access to paddocks, yards and roads.

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