Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus slipped back 5% this week to 17,584 head. The combination of a higher value over reserve at $110 and a lower clearance rate of 38% reinforces the trend of buyers cherry-picking the best breeding females. Competition for a select group of breeding stock has supported higher value over reserve, while deteriorating restocker demand for young cattle, which contribute 62% of listings, has weighed down on clearance rates.

Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus increased 14% this week to 18,589 head. Listings were higher in NSW while all other ...
Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus lifted slightly to 16,371 head this week. Listings were higher in Queensland and Tas...
Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus slipped back 8% this week to total 15,865 head. The improved market sentiment due to...
Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus increased 14% this week to 18,589 head. Listings were higher in NSW while all other states registered falls.
Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus lifted slightly to 16,371 head this week. The overall market was steady on last week with clearance rate down slightly to 46% and value over reserve flat.
Listings of commercial cattle on AuctionsPlus slipped back 8% this week to total 15,865 head. The improved market sentiment due to recent rain has increased listings on AuctionsPlus, with the last two week’s offerings the highest for the year so far.
Compared to the slow return of sheep and lamb auctions this week, the commercial cattle sales roared back into action with 17,197 head offered on AuctionsPlus this week.
Listings in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales fell 63% to 4,335 head this week.
Listings in the AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales fell 15% to 11,642 head this week.
Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales were level this week at 13,712 head.
Listings in AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales decreased slightly to 13,769 head this week.

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