AuctionsPlus weekly sheep and lamb sales for the first week of 2022 hit the ground running, with a total of 40,567 head offered - 73% higher than the corresponding week in 2021. The largest listing regions included Southwest Victoria which offered over 50% of the total catalogue, with 22,661 head, while Kangaroo Island offered 4,198 head. The NSW Riverina was the top purchasing region this week, securing 7,969 head, followed by Southwest Victoria which secured 7,411 head.

The final AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb sales for 2021 registered a 22% jump in weekly listings, as a pre-Christmas flush...
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb listings increased by 23% this week, to total 123,378 head. NSW had the largest increase in lambs offe...
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb numbers totalled 100,259 head this week – back 22% from last week and 58% lower than the same week in ...
The final AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb sales for 2021 registered a 22% jump in weekly listings, as a pre-Christmas flush had 151,122 head offered.
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb listings increased by 23% this week, to total 123,378 head. NSW had the largest increase in lambs offered this week, particularly for crossbred and Merino wether lambs.
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb numbers totalled 100,259 head this week – back 22% from last week and 58% lower than the same week in 2020, as the very wet November continues to impact logistics and finish.
Despite widespread heavy rainfall across much of the eastern states this week, AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb listings increased by 26%, to total 127,791 head.
With big rain experienced across much of the eastern seaboard over the past week, AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb numbers dropped 30% week-on-week, to total 101,379 head.
It was a largely softer sheep and lamb market across AuctionsPlus commercial sales this week, despite a 6% reduction in overall numbers, with most of the joined ewe categories easing.
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb numbers remained high this week, with a total offering of 153,820 head – back 7% from last weeks record offering.
AuctionsPlus weekly sheep and lamb throughput broke online listing records this week, with a total of 166,007 head offered across the commercial sales – breaking the previous high of 164,375 head set just two weeks earlier.

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