Weekly Cattle Comments - Week ending Friday 23rd August

23 August 2024
Pic: AgriShots
An article by  Newsroom


AuctionsPlus commercial cattle numbers fell by 7% this week, with the 9,952 head meeting decreased demand clearance falling five percentage points to 78%. The lighter end of the steer and heifer market recorded the strongest gains again this week, while the heavier end of the market slumped in both price and clearance rate.

Value over reserve increased again, by $31 this week, to average $102 above set reserves. The 280-330kg steer indicator fell in value, averaging $1,226/head, while the AuctionsPlus Young Cattle indicator lifted 6c to average 386c/kg lw.

Processor/feedlotter activity dropped to 3.79% this week from 8.64%, with 295 head of the sold offering purchased. Buyers were particularly interested in steers weighing 330kg and above, with six lots purchased.

Queensland was the largest listing state this week, with the 4,617 head slightly back on last week. Queensland was also the largest purchasing state, with 3,428 head.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard


A limited yarding of steers under 200kg was met with positive buyer demand, as prices lifted $304 to average $734/head. On a cents per kilo basis, the category jumped 115c to average 405c/kg lw. 

From Epping forest, TAS, a line of six Angus steers aged 11 to 12 months old and weighing 193kg returned $820/head, or 426c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Launceston, TAS.

Steers 400kg and above dropped significantly in price by an average of $211/head to $1,618 after a good run of increased. The offering was smaller than last week and recorded a 78% clearance rate.

From Cootamundra, NSW, a line of 61 Angussteers aged 13 to 13 months old and weighing 466kg returned $2000/head, or 429c/kg lwt, and will travel to a buyer in Anakie, VIC. 




Heifer categories had mixed results this week, with light weight categories posting some strong prices.

The most populous heifer category was again the 200-280kg category with the 1,232 head falling $3/head to average $832/head – achieving a 92% clearance rate. 

From Glen innes, NSW, a line of 86 Angus heifers aged 10 to 12 months old and weighing 273kg returned $1130/head, or 413c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Tenterfield, NSW.

Heifers under 200kg led the charge from a gains perspective, with the 39 head lifting $195 to average $564, or 98c to average 314c. 



Breeding stock

Breeding stock had a mostly strong week, with only two categories falling on last week. SM Heifers recorded the biggest average price increase at $925 to average $2,110. Meanwhile SM Cows and Calves also had significant gains with $838/head improvement on average week on week.

From Tamworth, NSW, a line of 23 Angus heifers aged 18 to 23 months old and weighing 540kg returned $2660/head, or 492c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Bathurst, NSW.


Note: Prices as at 9pm Friday, August 23rd, 2024.


Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices


Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices


Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices






AuctionsPlus Interactive Cattle Market Report


 FOR MORE: Read this week's sheep and lamb comments


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