The largest commercial cattle offering in seven weeks left AuctionsPlus average prices at the close of sales with no clear trend, with some sharp falls through the young heifer lines offset by good gains for heavy steers. Of the 20,333 head offered, up 4% on last week and 20% on the corresponding week last year, PTIC heifers and 200-280kg steers were the two largest categories, while cows with CAF remained scarce.
As further falls, albeit patchy, along with some cooler weather through southeastern Australia consolidated the autumn break, all eyes will be watching the deluge forecast for Queensland in the coming week. While very late in the season, some recently damp parts of inland Queensland may be anxious if the heavy falls eventuate, while feedlots and processors will be watching supply routes and any potential logistics impediments.
The largest moves this week were through the young heifer lines, with the four lightest categories all taking a significant step back on previous weeks. Assisting the decline was an overall jump in numbers offered, especially for the 280-330kg and 330-400kg lines, which increased by 72% and 91% on last week, respectively. A subdued 52% clearance rate was registered for the 1,661 head of 280-330kg heifers offered, which averaged $199 lower on last week, at $1,855/head. From Hughenden Queensland, a line of 140 Brahman NSM future breeders aged 12-18 months and weighing 297kg lwt returned $1,500/head, or 506c/kg lwt to a buyer at Quilpie.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Weekly Cattle Prices
While registering stronger clearance rates at 73%, both the 200-280kg and 330-400kg heifer lines also slipped, down $121 and $109/head on last week, respectively. A very thin offering of 364 400kg+ heifers, with a clearance rate of 86%, bucked the heifer trend, finishing $94 higher on last week, at $2,418/head. From Burrowye Victoria, a line of 38 Angus yearling heifers aged 18-20 months, weighing 411kg lwt returned $2,610/head, or 634c/kg – destined for Yass NSW.
It was two-down-three-up for the five young steer categories this week. While the less than 200kg category can be volatile each week, depending on breed and quality, the 280-330kg category dropped $172/head this week, finishing at $1,991/head – after jumping $125 last week. Demand for quality lighter lines continued to underpin the 200-280kg category, with the 2,873 head selling to an 80% clearance rate – averaging $16 higher on last week, at $1,801/head. From Rolleston, Central Queensland, four lines of 360 EU accredited Santa Gertrudis backgrounder steers, aged 5-8 months, weighing an average of 222kg lwt returned $1,830-$1,840/head, or 830c/kg lwt. The same vendor also offered 220 heifers in two lines, weighing an average of 206kg lwt, which returned $1,800/head. All 580 head were purchased by the same buyer.
Feeder steers remained in steady demand, with this weeks larger offering of 714 head selling to a 72% clearance rate and averaging $85 higher, at $2,579/head. From Holbrook NSW, 56 Angus feeder steers aged 18-20 months and weighing 474kg lwt returned $2,990/head, or 631c/kg lwt. The vendor offered a second line of 24 Angus feeders steers weighing 488kg lwt, which returned $3,000/head – both lots are destined for Gatton, Queensland.
PTIC heifer numbers remained relatively steady this week, at 2,873 head, as the clearance rate dropped slightly on last week, to 54%. Overall, the online market for PTIC heifers averaged $2,895/head, ranging from $1,800-$3,980/head. From Leongatha Victoria, a line of 30 Hereford PTIC heifers aged 25-27 months old and weighing 520kg lwt returned $2,800/head.
Except for PTIC cows, which averaged $34 lower on last week, at $3,085/head, the offering of proven breeders was again very tight. From Bungunya Queensland, a line of 49 5–9-year-old Angus/Santa Gertrudis cross cows with CAF returned $3,200/head. The cows averaged 538kg lwt, while the CAF aged 1-6 months averaged 146kg lwt.
NOTE: Prices as at 2pm, Friday 6th May 2022
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