Weekly Cattle Comments - Week ending Friday 10th November

10 November 2023
An article by  AuctionsPlus

Dash Good-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-2153-AM

AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted by 12% this week, to total 6,151 head. The slightly larger offering was met with similar competition to last week with clearance falling slightly to 76% and value over reserve falling by $15 to average $144. Price trends this week rose across the board, with only one category reporting a weaker average. The gains were lead by PTIC cows and the heavier end of the heifer market.

Of significant note this week was the number of heavier lines of steers offered with 903 head, or 33% of the total offering, being made up of 400kg+ lines. It didn't affect competition, with all steers returning better prices than last week.

These higher price trends recorded for steers was reflected in the heifer lines, with all weight classes experiencing higher prices on last week. Price rises were lead by the heavier end of the market with heifers over 400kg rising $234 on last week, although competition was stronger for the lighter end where the limited amount of heifers and steers under 200kg attracted a 100% clearance rate.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard


Steers 200-280kg registered a larger offering of 643 head, compared to 475 last week and averaged $710/head - up $91 from last week for a 91% clearance. Prices ranged from 143 - 315c and averaged 280c/kg lwt. From Glen Alice, NSW a line of 67 Angus steers aged 8 to 10 months old and weighing 219kg returned $690/head, or 315c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Glenrowan West, VIC.

Steers 400kg and above registered a larger offering of 903 head and averaged $1,030/head - up $53 from last week for a 76% clearance. Prices ranged from 156 - 247c and averaged 229c/kg lwt. From Goulburn, NSW a line of 80 Angus steers aged 13 to 14 months old and weighing 437kg returned $1,047/head, or 240c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Hamilton, QLD.

WY Heat Map-Nov-10-2023-05-55-20-8850-AM


Heifers 280-330kg registered a larger offering of 907 head and averaged $796/head - up $194 from last week for a 88% clearance. Prices ranged from 140 - 339c and averaged 267c/kg lwt. From Scone, NSW a line of 87 Hereford heifers aged 15 to 20 months old and weighing 289kg returned $700/head, or 242c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Goondiwindi, QLD.

Heifers 330-400kg registered a larger offering of 383 head and averaged $923/head - up $234 from last week for a 65% clearance. Prices ranged from 186 - 304c and averaged 263c/kg lwt. From Carinda, NSW a line of 148 Angus heifers, split in two even lots aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 339kg each returned $1,030/head, or 304c/kg lwt and will travel to the same buyer in Korumburra, VIC.

ES Heat Map-Nov-10-2023-05-55-20-7554-AM

Breeding stock

PTIC cows registered a larger offering of 415 head and averaged $1,361/head - up $483 from last week for a 77% clearance. A significant portion of the offering (45%) came from one vendor in Coleambally, NSW. One of these lots comprised of 44 Angus cows aged 32 to 36 months old, weighing 545kg and returning $1530/head. They will travel to a buyer in Meningie, SA.

SM Cows & Calves registered a larger offering of 364 head and averaged 1,082/head - down $184 from last week for a 29% clearance. From Tara, QLD a line of 23 Angus cows aged 18 to 30 months old and weighing 370kg returned $770/head, and will travel to a buyer in Tara, QLD.

Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 10th November 2023

We'd love your feedback on how we can improve the weekly market comments. Let us know what you would find helpful by emailing newsroom@auctionsplus.com.au

Steers Heifers Graph

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices

National Table-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-6161-AM

Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices

QLD Table-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-5134-AM

Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices

Angus Table-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-5811-AM

Weekly Cattle offering graph

Listings Breakdown-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-4834-AM

Purchasing Breakdown-Nov-10-2023-05-55-19-2984-AM

AuctionsPlus Interactive Cattle Market Report



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