AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 7,458 head, increasing by 17%. The larger offering was met with mixed competition as clearance fell to 57%, while value over reserve lifted by $42 to average $140.
A 17% increase in the total offering on last week still left a significant gap compared to the same time in the last two years. However, the increased offering saw positive price gains in all but two categories.
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard
Steers 280-330kg registered a larger offering of 1,137 head and averaged $776/head - up $9 from last week and achieved a 72% clearance rate. Prices ranged from 158 - 295c and averaged 256c/kg lwt. From Aramac, QLD a line of 204 Charolais cross steers, split across two even lots of 102 head aged 6 to 12 months old and weighing 299kg returned $815/head, or 273 c/kg lwt and $820/head, or 275c/kg lwt and will travel to separate buyers in Wandoan, QLD and Barcaldine, QLD.
Steers 330-400kg averaged $830/head – up $42 from last week, registering a larger offering of 1,306 head for a 46% clearance. Prices ranged from 195 - 340c and averaged 242c/kg lwt. From Walcha, NSW a line of 204 Angus steers, split across two even lots aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 332kg returned $900/head, or 271 c/kg lwt and $910/head, or 274c/kg lwt and will travel to the same buyer in Armidale, NSW
Heifers 200-280kg registered a smaller offering of 560 head and averaged $444/head - up $11 from last week for a 74% clearance. Prices ranged from 163 - 217c and averaged 193c/kg lwt. From Quilpie, QLD a line of 162 Charolais cross heifers aged 3.5 to 6 months and weighing 202kg returned $420/head, or 208c/kg lwt and will travel to a buyer in Roma, QLD.
Heifers 280-330kg registered a larger offering of 810 head and averaged $562/head - down $21 from last week for a 75% clearance. Prices ranged from 150 - 248c and averaged 184c/kg lwt. From Bridport, TAS a line of 198 Angus heifers, split across three lots aged 12 to 13 months old and weighing 304kg will travel to buyers in Herrick, TAS & Glengarry TAS.
Two of the lots returned $550/head, or 181c/kg lwt while the third returned $540/head, or 178 c/kg lwt.
Breeding Stock
PTIC heifers registered a small offering of only 40 head and resulted in a 63% clearance, while prices averaged $1,130/head. From Arthurs Creek, VIC a line of 13 Angus heifers aged 20 to 21 months and weighing 500kg returned $1240/head.
NSM heifers & calves registered a smaller offering of 386 head and averaged $1,634/head - up $190 from last week for a 66% clearance. From Uralla, NSW a line of 66 Angus cows aged 22 to 25 months old and weighing 384kg returned $1,160/head and will travel to a buyer in Tintinara, SA.
Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 13th October 2023
Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
AuctionsPlus Interactive Cattle Market Report
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