Weekly Cattle Comments - 23.06.23

23 June 2023
An article by  AuctionsPlus  | Words by Person Name  | Photography by Person Name


AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted slightly this week to 9,874 head. The small offering generated strong competition and saw clearance jump to 66% and VOR rise to $97/head. There is immense interest and anticipation in the direction of the cattle market in the next six months. Many producers are in a holding pattern with more grass than incentive to sell due to low prices. While others are considering the opportunities that come with the bottom of the market and when that might be. Some decent rain in south-eastern Australia and lower supply has provided some short-term support to prices in the last two weeks. This support is likely to continue if supply remains restricted, however, prices are expected to ease lower if large numbers of cattle return to the market.

Lighter categories of steers and heifers experienced gains this week while the heavy steers slipped lower and heavy heifers came back from their highs of last week. Most breeding stock categories averaged higher as offerings were limited.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Cattle Prices
Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices
Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard - NEW


Steers weighing 200-280kg registered a larger offering of 1,553 head and averaged $949/head - up $43 from last week for an 84% clearance. Prices ranged from 278-435c and averaged 375c/kg lwt. From Haden, Southern Queensland, a line of 32 Angus steers aged 4-6 months old and weighing 269kg returned $1,080/head, or 402c/kg lwt.

Steers from 330-400kg registered a smaller offering with 654 head, with prices decreasing by $83 from last week to average $1,239/head - reaching a 50% clearance. Prices ranged from 244-399c and averaged 353c/kg lwt. From Omeo, Victoria, a line of 59 Angus steers aged 9-10 months old and weighing 338kg returned $1,270/head, or 375c/kg lwt.

WY heat maps


Heifers weighing 200-280kg registered a smaller offering with 1,122 head and averaged $755/head for a 60% clearance. Prices ranged from 239-354c and averaged 317c/kg lwt. From Rylstone, NSW, a line of 40 Angus heifers aged 8-9 months old and weighing 274kg returned $790/head, or 288c/kg lwt.

Heifers weighing 330-400kg registered a larger offering with 818 head and averaged $1,153/head for a 78% clearance. Prices fell back to more normal levels following the significant highs of last week, ranging from 247-344c and averaging 315c/kg lwt. From Breeza, NSW, a line of 86 Charolais/Angus heifers aged 12-13 months old and weighing 370kg returned the top price of $1,270/head, or 344c/kg lwt.

ES heat maps-Jun-23-2023-06-03-24-2443-AM

Breeding Stock

PTIC Heifers registered a larger offering with 757 head and averaged $1,538/head - up $108 on last week for a 27% clearance. From Morven, NSW, three lines of a total 74 Angus PTIC heifers aged 22-23 months old and averaging 462kg made between $1,810-$1,870 to average $1,848/head.

PTIC Cows registered a smaller offering with 677 head, with prices decreasing by $12 on last week to average $1,489/head - reaching a 40% clearance. From Hermidale, NSW, a line of 16 Poll Hereford PTIC cows aged 5-6 years old and weighing 618kg returned $1,420/head.

Note: Prices as at 2pm Friday, 23rd June 2023

steer and heifer graphs

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Cattle Prices

National Table-Jun-23-2023-06-03-25-1966-AM

Table 2: AuctionsPlus Queensland Cattle Prices

Queensland Table-Jun-23-2023-06-03-24-7063-AM

Table 3: AuctionsPlus Angus Cattle Prices

Angus Table-Jun-23-2023-06-03-25-3787-AM

Listings Graph

Listings map-Jun-23-2023-06-03-23-5653-AM

Purchases map-Jun-23-2023-06-03-23-9335-AM

AuctionsPlus Interactive Cattle Market Report



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