Weekly Sheep & Lamb Comments - Week ending Friday 2nd August

2 August 2024
Pic: AgriShots
An article by  Newsroom


AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings lifted an additional 62% this week, totaling 20,732 head. The increased offering was positively received, with all key indicators finishing the week in the green, including a substantial upswing in prices.

The offering jumped due to an influx of new season lambs and comes off the back of record low offerings in recent weeks.

The July lull was reportedly being exacerbated by tough conditions slowing growth of new season lambs - with these new season lambs now starting to hit the market.

Value Over Reserve lifted a further $10/head, averaging $30/head over set reserves.

The crossbred lamb indicator increased this week by 32%, averaging $156/head.

Meanwhile the AuctionsPlus Restocker Lamb Indicator lifted 168c this week to 869c/kg. 

Lamb articles overtook the number of joined ewe offered and accounted for 47% of listings this week, up from 34% last week - that is 9,830 head up from 6,008 head. More than 6000 crossbred lambs were offered.

Each of the states that listed this week recorded extra numbers than the previous week but this was more pronounced in NSW, where nearly 6000 more articles were made available. NSW also took home about 4000 extra purchases this week to 9,407, with all other states buying less than 1000 head each.

There was no processer/feedlot activity again this week.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Sheep and Lamb Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard

Crossbred Lambs registered a 281% larger offering of 6,174, up from 1,619 head last week. This category also recorded a $38/head increase on last week to $156, with a 96% clearance.

From Coonamble, NSW, a line of 700 Dorset/Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex Mar/Apr '24 drop and weighing 40kg lwt returned $170/head, or 426c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Tamworth, NSW.


Merino wether lambs registered a 35% decrease in numbers this week, with the 1,116 head achieving a 30% clearance with no change in values - sitting at an average of $82. 

From Willaura North, VIC, a line of 330 Merino wethers, Aug/Sep '23 drop and weighing 31kg lwt returned $82/head, or 263c/kg, and will travel to a buyer in Beulah, VIC.


SIL Merino ewes registered a 40% smaller offering of 1,589 head. The category had a 78% clearance rate and prices fell by $13/head to average $102/head. 

SIL first cross ewe numbers lifted 27% on last week, with the 1,386 head returning a 35% clearance, but a $7/head average increase on last week to average $258/head. 

Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, August 2, 2024.









 FOR MORE: Read this week's cattle comments

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