Weekly Sheep & Lamb Comments - Week ending Friday 2nd February

2 February 2024
An article by  AuctionsPlus


AuctionsPlus saw a 27% drop in listings this week, driven mainly by New South Wales, to a total of 56,579. Clearance was relatively flat on last week at 76% while prices for crossbred lambs eased 8%. Value over reserve was up, however, rising $3 to $15.

This time last year listings dropped by a similar percentage, and lambs were the driver once again. The crossbred lamb category was down 47%, with similar falls for first-cross ewe lambs and shedding breeds. NSW producers were out of the market in a large way this week. There were more than 17,000 fewer head listed in the state than last week, and more than 14,000 fewer purchased by NSW farmers. 

There was still plenty of demand for crossbred and Merino Wether lambs, with full clearance in those categories, although prices did dip somewhat. 

Joined ewes continued to be highly sought after, with most categories fully sold amid strong price gains. Scanned-in first cross ewes jumped $75 on average over last week, while scanned-in shedders leapt an average of $94.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Sheep and Lamb Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard

Crossbred lambs were down 28% last week in terms of head, and fell by almost half again to 11,540 compared to last week's 21,883. Prices also decreased $9 on last week to average $105/head but achieved a 99% clearance. From Cookardinia, VIC a line of 460 Poll Dorset/Merino mixed sex Jun/Jul drop and weighing 47kg lwt returned $157/head, or 335c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Epsom, VIC.

Lamb listings 02.02

Merino Wether Lambs registered a smaller offering with 9,842 head, down 8%, with prices decreasing by $2 on last week to average $65/head. Clearance was 100%. From Keith, SA a line of 554 Merino wethers Apr/May drop and weighing 36kg lwt returned $92/head, or 253c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Nhill, VIC.

Sheep listings 02.02

Joined ewes continued to be highly sought after. Scanned-in-Lamb (SIL) Merino Ewes registered a smaller offering with 2,136 head, pushing prices up another $15 on last week's $50 rise to  average $177/head. 83% of listed stock cleared.

SIL First X Ewes doubled in terms of offering to 1,278 head, with prices leaping $75 per head to average $257/head. Buyers weren't deterred by the higher prices — 100% of stock sold. 751 Border Leicester/Merino ewes across four lots from Junee, NSW will all head to the same buyer in Redan Vic. The pick of the lots was 272 ewes, 3.5 years old and weighing 67kg, returning $298/head, or 446c/kg lwt.

Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, 1st February 2024

Sheep table 02.02


Commercial listings sheep 02.02


Sheep map listings


Sheep map purchases




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