Weekly Sheep & Lamb Market Report - Week ending Friday, September 6

6 September 2024
Pic: AgriShots
An article by  Alex McLaughlin

AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings were down on last week's surge in numbers, with a total of 29,166 head offered, down 41% on last week's numbers.

The clearance rate dipped five percentage points to finish the week at 83%, which may be driven by the tightening of this week's new season lamb offerings off the back of last week's yarding boom. Nonetheless, prices have picked up with both indicators reflecting uplifts from last week's yarding.

The crossbred lamb indicator reflected an advantage in price in response to the smaller offering averaging $148/head, lifting 25% from the week prior. The AuctionsPlus Restocker Lamb indicator saw a similar positive performance, lifting 53c/kg to average 798c/kg dressed.

The value over reserve averaged $12/head over set reserves, holding steady from last week. Lots that sold during the auction averaged $17/head above reserve averaging $150/head, with the figure slightly above post-auction transactions.

The new season lamb offerings took their foot of the throttle from last weeks surge, with a total of 14,549 offered,  down 61% from 37,195 last week. This category made up 50% of the total yarding. New season lambs achieved a 98% clearance rate, up from 94% last week. The average price rose $12 from last week's $116/head to average $128/head this week.

Listings decreased significantly in NSW, with numbers down 13,974 from last week. Queensland maintains a strong recovery in numbers from the week prior and was the only state to have increased in numbers from last week. Listings in South Australia, took a dive with 5,098 less listed than last week, bringing the total to 1,973 head offered.

The NSW Riverina remained the highest listing region. With the 12,085 head listed from the Riverina, the numbers contributed 41% of the week's total sheep and lamb offerings across the platform.

Table 1: AuctionsPlus National Weekly Sheep and Lamb Prices
Report: Interactive Market Dashboard

Crossbred lambs registered 5,361 head, down 73% from the numbers seen last week, with prices powering to an average of $148 above last week's average of $118/head. Merino Wether Lambs however witnessed a decline in numbers offered, decreasing 32% from last week. The 9,860 head offered averaged $115/head, lifting $4 a head from the week prior.

From Bingara, NSW a line of 150 Poll Dorset/Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex Apr/May drop cross bred lambs weighing 44kg lwt returned $178/head, or 405c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Attunga, NSW.

First cross ewe lambs increased an average of $57/head to $188/head. However, the clearance rate rocketed fell to 67%, down from 75% last week. From Euchareena, NSW, a line of 210 Border Leicester/Merino ewes Sep/Oct drop and weighing 59kg lwt returned $241/head, or 408c/kg and will travel to a buyer in Coonamble, NSW.

Not Station Mated Shedding Merino Ewe Hoggets averaged $82/head, declining $58/head from last week. Similarly, listing numbers for the category were down 27%, with 1,725 included in this week's offering, compared to 2,360 offered last week.

Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, September 5, 2024.

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