Weekly Wool Comments - 06.08.21

6 August 2021
An article by  Zoë Macfarlan  | Words by Person Name  | Photography by Person Name

This week is the final of the annual three-week selling recess at physical selling centres and with an anticipated offering of approximately 57,000 bales for the first week back, it will be interesting to see if this supply is met with the strong demand seen prior to the recess.

The AuctionsPlus online offer board experienced a steady week with 171 bales sold for the period. 19µ and 20µ micron wool sold in the largest quantities with 52 and 72 bales sold, respectively. 19µ micron wool sold to a top of 1,195c/kg greasy or 1,752c/kg clean, while 20µ micron wool sold to a top of 875c/kg greasy or 1,406c/kg clean. The top priced lot online was for 3 bales of 17µ micron Merino fleece wool with “L/GLENEAGLES” branding which sold for 1,825c/kg greasy or 2,556c/kg clean. This lot was offered by Elders Victoria, was 79mm and had 0.6% vegetable matter.

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