Motorists are being reminded to take extra care around agricultural vehicles as hay making kicks off and preparations gear up for this year’s grain harvest.

Crops that fail due to frost, moisture stress or other limiting factors may be cut for silage or hay as an economically viable opt...
The European Commission has proposed delaying the implementation of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by 12 month...
Australia's first permanent Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports began in the role on Monday.
Crops that fail due to frost, moisture stress or other limiting factors may be cut for silage or hay as an economically viable option. The following key points should be considered as part of your decision-making process. 
The European Commission has proposed delaying the implementation of the European Union Deforestation Regulation by 12 months, a move welcomed by Cattle Australia.
Australia's first permanent Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports began in the role on Monday.
National Farmers Federation Chief Executive Officer Tony Mahar has resigned from the role to become the new Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner.
Current wool prices may not be high enough to sustain the industry in Australia, as producers go to the polls to set their levy for the next three years.
Lamb is being billed as the "the ultimate social device" in Meat & Livestock Australia's (MLA) new spring advertising campaign. Watch the latest lamb video here.
The signing of a new Free Trade Agreement between Australia and UAE has been announced, boosting market access for Australian farmers and enhancing economic ties in the Middle East.
Let's talk about the new term "live lamb cutting", a sensationalised label intended to replace the established terminology of mulesing.
Australian dairy heifer exports are facing challenges due to declining Chinese demand, as noted in a Rabobank report. While Southeast Asia presents new opportunities, trade risks and policy shifts remain significant hurdles for the sector.

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