Backing the bush, our people, our future

30 August 2024
Georgie Somerset. Pic: Supplied
An article by  Georgie Somerset

As I prepare to step down after six years at the helm as AgForce General President and many more years in various AgForce roles, I’m taking pause to look to the future of this great organisation. 

And the most pressing event in our sights, is the upcoming industry conference Qld Agriculture Industry Conference 2024 ( To me the theme of the conference - Backing the Bush, Our People, Our Future, encapsulates so much of what this organisation is about. 

Together, we have achieved so much in the past six years, from the recent and very consequential win protecting the Great Artesian Basin, to retaining fuel rebates, and setting up the AgForce Young Producers Council, ensuring the next generation's voice is clearly heard in our planning and policy.

Our Schools to Industry Partnership Program has strengthened, connecting children from kindergarten to year 12 with agriculture, learning where their food and fibre comes from, and how they can have a career with us in their future.

Connecting with urban consumers has been a highlight of my term - having conversations with people who genuinely believe in the work we do each day.

We have developed a low emissions pathway, advocated for mental health support, worked hard on biosecurity funding and programs, advocated for land use that prioritises agriculture and ensured no further regulation in reef catchments.

We’ve also brought cane into AgForce as an additional and valued commodity, and launched two powerful stand alone businesses Home AgCarE Online and AgForce Training Farm Courses - AgForce Training from our AgForce incubator.

This is only the cream off the top of the many wins we have achieved as the leading voice for Queensland producers - it sets a powerful foundation for the ongoing and critical work of AgForce. 

I am proud that I leave the organisation in such a strong state, ready for the opportunities and lobbying to come, to keep our great industry at the forefront of Queensland decision making.

Food security, so critical to a functioning democracy and global stability, is not guaranteed in Australia. It is organisations such as AgForce in Queensland, and the thousands of members who make it strong, who have such a vital ongoing role in protecting and promoting what is important, to ensure our population has reliable access to affordable and nutritious food into the future.

I would argue that Backing the Bush, its people and its future, has never been more critical. We have an industry in Australia that every Australian can be proud of.  

It contributes strongly to the progress of environmental, social and landscape ideals as well as providing clean healthy and locally grown food on our supermarket shelves 365 days a year, year after year. 

I am probably most proud of the foundations I strengthened for those who follow and have carriage of this critical ongoing work - just as I have stood on the shoulders of those who went before me, and who provided the secure footing I so strongly relied on in my time as AgForce’s leader.

I and future generations of our family will remain strong and loyal members of AgForce.  It gives my family and I the assurance we need, that allows us to confidently get on with the business on farm of producing food and fibre.              


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