As I prepare to step down after six years at the helm as AgForce General President and many more years in various AgForce roles, I’m taking pause to look to the future of this great organisation. 

Have you ever wondered why some families thrive in agriculture, prospering across generations, while others struggle despite havin...
AuctionsPlus, Australia's leading online marketplace for the agricultural sector, is excited to announce the winners of the 2024 A...
Katie Lewis from Corcoran Parker, Wodonga, Victoria, has been awarded the AuctionsPlus Top Throughput Assessor for cattle for 2024...
Ben Law from the AgriCoach Podcast discusses the success secrets of high-performing agricultural families with Nikko and Jade Lord. Learn how they balance tradition and innovation to ensure prosperity across generations. Tune in for valuable insights.
AuctionsPlus, Australia's leading online marketplace for the agricultural sector, is excited to announce the winners of the 2024 AuctionsPlus Awards.  
Katie Lewis from Corcoran Parker, Wodonga, Victoria, has been awarded the AuctionsPlus Top Throughput Assessor for cattle for 2024. 
Meet the three finalists for the LambEx 2024 Coles Trailblazer competition, with the winner to be announced at the Grandslamb Dinner tonight. Learn how these individuals are energising the Aussie sheep industry.
Alastair James will be the new Chief Executive Officer at Herefords Australia.
Jane Bunn shares how she became a “weather nerd”, how language in forecasts is so important, her thoughts on the BOM and why she’s created the Jane’s Weather app to help farmers make hyper-local business decisions. 
Madie Hamilton, General Manager of the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA), has been selected as one of the 12 women in the 2024 cohort of the National Farmers’ Federation’s Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program.
It's been a tough week, with the news of the live sheep export ban being felt across the agriculture industry. Steph Schmidt shares a few tools to help navigate good mental health during this difficult time.
US cattle farmer Shane Bedwell has been immersed in all things beef during his trip Down Under, including attending the Herefords Australia National Show and Sale at Wodonga this week. 

News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.