Cody Sankey, Senior Director Director, Beef Programs at Genex, and Damien Thomson, Beef Production Manager at Genetics Australia explain how the genetics industry is evolving to increase production and meet sustainability targets.

Cattle Australia, the peak body representing the beef industry, will draft its own definition for defining deforestation in an att...
Cattle Australia has called on producers to become greater industry advocates to drive a new conversation around livestock emissio...
Cattle Australia has called on regulators to update their greenhouse gas emission calculations, saying the science on methane emis...
Cattle Australia will draft its own definition for defining deforestation in an attempt to see off a European directive that would potentially harm exports.
Cattle Australia has called on producers to become greater industry advocates to drive a new conversation around livestock emissions.
Cattle Australia has called on regulators to update their emission calculations, saying the science on methane emissions from beef cattle needs to change to recognise its inherent differences.
In Australia we have traditionally only considered food and agricultural land in the context of our production and exports. However, understanding 'net zero', 'food security', 'ESG', and 'natural capital' is crucial.
Farmers for Climate Action (FFCA) has called on the Federal Government to investigate claims that coal mine methane is being underreported by up to 50% - and to ensure that polluters are held accountable. 

News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.