Cody Sankey, Senior Director Director, Beef Programs at Genex, and Damien Thomson, Beef Production Manager at Genetics Australia explain how the genetics industry is evolving to increase production and meet sustainability targets.

Cattle Australia, the peak body representing the beef industry, will draft its own definition for defining deforestation in an att...
How do beef producers get a competitive advantage on the international stage?
Steve Bignell from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) joined APlus News at Beef 2024 to talk about its new indicator the Nationa...
Cattle Australia will draft its own definition for defining deforestation in an attempt to see off a European directive that would potentially harm exports.
How do beef producers get a competitive advantage on the international stage?  One speaker told those attending a seminar on securing market access at Beef 24, that the answer was: “We need to validate what we’re doing.” 
Steve Bignell from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) joined APlus News at Beef 2024 to talk about its new indicator the National Young Cattle Indicator (NYCI), which was launched on Monday. 
A new cattle market indicator that offers a complete view of the national restocker market, including online sales through AuctionsPlus, was launched at Beef 2024 on Monday by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).

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