AuctionsPlus News

Widespread, record rainfall for many regions across the eastern seaboard underpinned the cattle market in March. The historically high prices were sustained for most stock categories, with only a selected few easing from February. However, looking back on this time a year ago, when rain first began falling for many regions, prices are on average 28% higher.

Widespread, record rainfall for many regions across the eastern seaboard underpinned the cattle market in March. The historical...

As 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered for the Covid-19 disruptions to normal life, for rural communities, the rapid transforma...

Over the course of 2020, we have seen the store market rise to new highs for both sheep and cattle. The combination of lo...

The 2019-2020 financial year has taken the cattle and sheep market on a rollercoaster ride from extreme...

We’re only five months into the calendar year but “unprecedented” is already the odds-on favourite for 2020’s most overused wor...

The numbers of cattle sold out of Queensland via AuctionsPlus has increased 159% so far in 2020, to 285,159 head, compared to 110,190 head in 2019.
Over the course of 2020, we have seen the store market rise to new highs for both sheep and cattle. The combination of low supply and high demand created what is described as the ‘perfect storm’, resulting in record prices at the beginning of the year.
The 2019-2020 financial year has taken the cattle and sheep market on a rollercoaster ride from extreme lows to exciting highs. Last year, no one could have imagined where the market would be in just 12 months. Rain seemed a distant dream as the drought tightened its grip over much of the eastern seaboard, contributing to a catastrophic fire season.
We’re only five months into the calendar year but “unprecedented” is already the odds-on favourite for 2020’s most overused word.


News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.