Reducing the impacts of cold weather on cattle is essential to both animal production and welfare.

In this article, we delve into two seemingly disparate yet culturally significant aspects of Australian life: the livestock indust...
Weekly NLRS lamb slaughter continued to break records throughout 2024, tipping 500,000 seven times. Price disparities between mutt...
The global sheep population is an important component of agriculture and food production across many regions of the world. As of t...
Discover the origin of cattle sold on AuctionsPlus in 2024. Compare livestock listings by state with NRL State of Origin fervor. Insights on cattle origins and trends.
Weekly NLRS lamb slaughter continued to break records throughout 2024, tipping 500,000 seven times.
Discover insights into the global sheep population, including key players like China and Australia. Learn about the shift in sheep meat exports and the competitive landscape for beef exporters.
ABS releases new model for herd numbers, showing a significant increase in cattle herd size. Find out how these updated figures impact industry projections and MLA estimates.
Almost 600% more cattle have been transported from Western Australia to the Eastern States in the first five months of the year, compared to the corresponding period in 2023.
For the last three months, prices for all steer indicators – the Restocker Steer Indicator, Feeder Steer Indicator and Heavy Steer Indicator – have been operating along the lines of long-term market trends, remaining relatively flat in comparison to the volatility seen over the last three years.
The number of grain fed cattle in Australia reached a record high of 1.3 million head in the March quarter – the sixth consecutive lift - according to a report published on Thursday by the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association and Meat & Livestock Australia.
There has been an increase of 25% in cattle carcase weights over the past 30 years, equating to around 1% carcase weight increase each year, and that trend continued in the past quarter. 
AACo's $150m write down on herd value showed the depth of the fall. But when is the rise? AACo's Dave Harris, David Foote, Hugh Killen and more on where the price is headed.

News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.