Just when you think competition in the red-hot cattle market cannot get any fiercer, a little more fuel is added and both prices and clearance rates take another step up. After some subdued weeks for clearance rates, PTIC heifer demand roared back this week, with a 93% clearance boosting the average for the week by $450, to reach $3,182/head for the 1,719 head offered.

The remarkable young cattle market went to another high this week, as recent rain, especially through Queensland, bolstered sentim...
Widespread rainfall across the eastern seaboard has again failed to dampen the cattle market. Despite a 16% drop in listings this ...
The wet start to November has only added more heat to an already record hot cattle market this week, with the demand for light wei...
The remarkable young cattle market went to another high this week, as recent rain, especially through Queensland, bolstered sentiment and continued to stoke restocker demand.
Widespread rainfall across the eastern seaboard has again failed to dampen the cattle market.
The wet start to November has only added more heat to an already record hot cattle market this week, with the demand for light weight cattle continuing at unprecedented levels.
Online buyers flexed their bidding muscles this week, with young cattle prices lifting higher across almost all categories, as the demand for cattle back into paddocks appears almost insatiable.
After a mixed performance last week, the AuctionsPlus young steer market roared back to form this week, with the four lightest categories regaining some lost ground.
AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales results this week reflected the ongoing demand for proven breeding cattle, as seasonal conditions continue to see producers dig very deep for quality lines.
Widespread rain, a disrupted selling week and a 22% weekly reduction in supplies would traditionally point to a much stronger online cattle market.
The online cattle market was significantly stronger this week, as a 17% weekly reduction in offerings fueled competition and rain through key regions buoyed sentiment.

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