Cattle Australia calls for nominations for Board and RCC positions

2 September 2024
Cattle Australia is looking to fill positions on its board and regional consultative committee that will help shape the future of the grass-fed cattle industry. Pic: AgriShots
An article by  Newsroom

Cattle Australia (CA) is calling for nominations for two Board Director positions and eight Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) positions.

CA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Chris Parker, invited those who see themselves as a leader, have big ideas on how to improve the grass-fed beef industry, or would like to be involved in rewarding advocacy and policy work that benefits their industry and region, to put their name forward.

“By joining the CA Board of Directors or the RCC, you’ll play a key role in shaping the future of the grass-fed beef industry, ensuring the voices of Australian cattle producers are heard during critical decision-making processes,” Dr Parker said.

“Successful candidates will be responsible for building on the work of previous leaders within CA, expanding beyond policy to develop strategy around advocacy, consultation of members at a grass-roots level, and engagement of broader society.

“Strong leadership and a strong connection to the grass-roots of the industry is critical to harnessing the opportunities before us, and addressing the challenges our industry faces.”

As the peak industry body for the grass-fed beef sector, CA has a legislated role to represent the more than 52,000 grass-fed cattle levy payers.

The CA Board consists of seven democratically elected Directors and two skills-based Directors. The RCC is comprised of 22 members – 15 who are elected by CA members on a regional basis and seven who are appointed by the State Farming Organisations – and is responsible for advising on issues affecting the grass-fed cattle industry via engagement and consultation with producers at a grass-roots level.

Nominations close Monday, September 30, 2024. More information about the election process can be found on the CA website.


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